Woman on Mountain Top – Training Oneself

Woman on Mountain Top - Training OneselfOnce a man climbed an inaccessible mountain, there he saw a woman. Man was surprised to see her.

He got curious, went to her and asked, “What are you doing in this deserted place?”

Woman replied, “I have a lot of work to do here?”

Man asked, “What kind of work do you have because i can’t see anyone around you here.”

Woman replied, “I have to train two hawks, two eagles, assure two rabbits, work with a donkey, discipline a snake and tame a lion.

Man again looked around and saw nothing. He said, “But where are they all? I don’t see any of them?”

Woman smiled and replied, “All these are within me.”

Seeing man confused.

Woman explained, “Two hawks who look at everything i find, good or bad. I have to work on them, so that they only see good – These are my Eyes.

Two eagles that only hurt and damage with their claws must be trained, not to hurt – They are my Hands.

Rabbits roam here and there and do not want to face difficult situations. I have to teach them to remain calm even when i suffer or stumble – They are my feet.

Donkey is always tired, stubborn. Whenever i walk, i don’t want to carry burden, i want to get out of that situation out of laziness – This is my body.

Hardest part is disciplining a snake. While it is locked in cage with 32 bars, it always eager to bite, pour out poison on those who come near. I have to discipline it too – It is my Tongue.

I have a lion too. It is futile boosting. Lion thinks that he is a king. I have to subdue him – That’s my Ego.

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Search Keywords: Woman on Mountain Top – Training Oneself, Best Story for Adults, Way to Train Yourself to be a Better Person Interesting Short Story to Lead Good Life, Story to Share with Family and Friends, Story to Learn about Oneself, Story on Self Awareness

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