Who is Greater Fool? Story about Truth of Life

Who is Greater Fool Story about Truth of LifeThere was a devout seeker named Gyan Chand. He was always engrossed in devotion to God. His daily routine included waking up early in the morning, engaging in worship, prayers, and meditation. After this, he would go to work at his shop. During lunchtime, he would close the shop and not reopen it for the rest of the day.

He spent the remaining time feeding sages and saints, serving the needy, engaging in spiritual gatherings, and performing acts of charity. He lived a life of contentment with whatever he earned through his trade, dedicating it to the love of God.

People were astonished by his behavior and considered him mad.

They would say, “He is a great fool. He gives away all the money he earns in charity. He opens his shop only for a short time and wastes the productive hours of the morning in prayers and worship. He must be crazy.”

One day, the town’s wealthiest merchant summoned Gyan Chand to his place.

The merchant had made a red cap, and he handed it to Gyan Chand, saying, “This cap is meant for fools. I haven’t seen a greater fool than you, so I am giving it to you. If you ever find someone more foolish than yourself, you can give them this cap to wear.”

Gyan Chand accepted the cap calmly and went home.

Sometime later, the wealthy merchant fell gravely ill. Gyan Chand went to visit him and inquired about his condition.

The merchant said, “Brother, I am preparing to leave this world now.”

Gyan Chand asked, “Where are you preparing to go? Have you sent someone ahead to make arrangements for you there? Will your wife, children, wealth, car, and mansion accompany you?”

The merchant replied, “Brother, who will accompany me? No one is coming along. I have to go alone. My family, wealth, palaces and cars will all be left behind. Only the soul and the Supreme Soul will remain.”

Hearing this, Gyan Chand took out the red cap he had been given and returned it to the merchant, saying, “You should wear this cap yourself.”

The merchant asked, “Why?”

Gyan Chand replied, “You are a bigger fool than I am. Even though you knew that none of your possessions – your property, house, shop, or worldly belongings – would accompany you, you still spent your entire life chasing after them.

Despite having more than enough to meet your needs, you were consumed by greed and material desires. You never engaged in righteous deeds, served the needy, worshiped God, sang His praises or performed acts of charity and spirituality. You did not prepare in any way for the afterlife. Now, you tell me, who is the bigger fool?”

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