Who is Giver? Two Beggars and King Story

Who is Giver Two Beggars and King StoryLong ago, in a city lived two beggars Kripal and Jagat. Every morning, they both would go to King’s palace for alms.

Kripal would go there and call out saying, “Giver is God, we all are his children.”

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Jagat would go there and call out saying, “Giver is King, he will get me food today.”

They both would got alms from palace. King would often hear voice of both saying this while asking for alms.

One day, King thought – Is it in hands of God or King to give food to them?

So to test it, one day King devised a trick. He took a big papaya and cut a small piece of it and filled it with gold coins and then joined the pieces as they were.

When Kripal arrived to beg, King gave him rice and dal and sent him off. Jagat came asking for alms and called out, “Giver is King, he will get me food today.”

King handed him papaya.

After getting out of palace, Jagat meet a fruit seller. Thinking about food, he sold that papaya to him. With the money after selling papaya, Jagat was able to buy himself food.

After a while, Kripal came to fruit seller and asked for alms saying, “Giver is God, we all are his children.”

That fruit seller gave that papaya to Kripal in alms. When Kripal got home, he cut that papaya and was surprised to see gold coins.

He immediately picked up the coins and went to vegetable vendor and said, “Brother, these coins have come out of papaya you gave me.”

Seeing this fruit seller was surprised and said, “I bought this papaya from Jagat.”

Then they both went to see Jagat and told him about coins. Jagat was surprised and said, “These coins belong to King, because i got this papaya from there in alms.”

They all went to King to return those coins. King was surprised to see three person and coins. After listening to whole story, King realized that God is the only Giver. He is the Giver to everyone.

After that King gave appropriate gifts to three of them for their honesty and sent them off.

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Search Keywords: Who is Giver? Two Beggars and King Story, Story to Motivate One to Trust God, God Provides Short Story, Story to Understand Reality of Life, Deep Meaning Moral Story, King Stories, Story to Read in Difficult Times

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