Want to be Rich – Poor Man Request to Guru

Want to be Rich - Poor Man Request to GuruOnce there was a poor man. He used to go his Guru’s ashram everyday and used to serve his Guru by doing cleaning work at ashram. After that man would go to his work.

One day, Guru asked him, “Why do you come to ashram everyday?”

Poor man replied, “If you bless me then a lot of wealth will come to me.”

Guru asked, “Is this the only reason you come to ashram?”

“Yes.”, replied poor man honestly.

Man continued, “I sell goods on a cart. My aim is to earn a lot of money, that’s why i come to see you. I don’t know when my happy days will come.”

Guru said, “Don’t worry. Opportunities will silently open up in front of you, when time comes.”

Poor man left.

Time took its turn and soon poor man started to earn more money. He became so busy that he stopped going to ashram.

After many years, one day in morning Guru ji saw that man was there in ashram, cleaning.

Seeing him Guru was surprised, he asked, “What’s matter? You have come after so many years. I have heard that you became very rich.”

Man replied, “I earned a lot of money. My children got married in good homes. There is no shortage of anything but still there is no peace in my heart and mind.

I used to feel that i should come here daily to serve but couldn’t come. Guru ji, you gave me everything but not peace of life.”

Guru ji asked, “But when did you asked for that? You got what you asked for, didn’t you? Then why came today?”

Man eyes were filled with tears, he fell at his Guru’s feet and said, “I will not serve to ask for anything in return. Just let me find peace.”

Guru said, “Are you sure, You will come only for peace? You won’t ask for anything in return for your service?”

Man looked at Guru and said, “I don’t want anything. Just let me serve. Now, i understand that peace of heart and mind is most precious.

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