Villagers Comment on Woman’s Character – Monk Reply

Villagers Comment on Woman's Character - Monk ReplyOnce a monk visited a village. Many people visited him. Among many villagers was one woman who was despised by others.

After talking for a while, woman invited him to her house for dinner. Monk humbly accepted the invitation and started following her.

On way, when people saw that monk was going with that woman, one of them walked toward monk and asked him, “Why are you with this woman?”

Monk told him about invitation to her house for dinner.

After knowing this, man said, “You should not to this woman’s house, she have bad reputation and if you are seen with her then your reputation will also be ruined.”

When Monk asked for reason, man told him that woman is characterless.

Despite this, Monk didn’t stop and kept on going with the woman. With in sometime this news spread like fire in village.

Suddenly village head came running and requested old man to not go to the woman’s place.

Many people gathered. Seeing the dispute, old man asked everyone to remain calm and then held one of chief’s hand tightly under his arm and said, “Can you clap now?”

Chief said, “How can i clap with one hand?”

At this old man smiled and said, “If one cannot clap with one had then how can a single woman be characterless unless a man forces her to become one. A characterless man is responsible for making a woman characterless.”

Listening to this, everyone was speechless and left.

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