Vikram Sarabhai and Young Man Story

Vikram Sarabhai and Young Man Story - Real Life IncidentOnce near Trivandrum seashore, an Elderly gentleman was reading Bhagavad Gita.

At that time, a talented atheist young man came and took seat by side of that gentleman.

Seeing elderly reading a religious book, young man taunted by saying, “In age of science, only foolish people prefer to read old-fashioned books like Bhagavad Gita.

If you would have devoted same time to science, then by now, then it would have helped country to scale great height.”

Elderly gentleman said nothing and asked, “Who are you? What do you do?”

Young man replied, “I m a science graduate from Kolkata. I have come to make a career in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.”

Young man further said to elderly to devote his attention to scientific research as by reading Bhagavad Gita, he wouldn’t be able to achieve anything.

Elderly gentleman smiled and rose up to leave. As soon as he got up, four security guards surrounded him and his driver brought his red beacon fitted official car.

Seeing this young man panicked and asked, “Who are you?”

Gentleman replied with a smile, “Vikram Sarabhai. Chairman of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.”

It was same center where young man had come to make his career in science.

(Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai was an Indian scientist and innovator, widely regarded as the Father of India’s Space Programme.)

At that point of time, there were 13 research organizations in the name of Vikram Sarabhai, along with which he was also the Chairman of Committee for Atomic Planning, having being appointed to the same by the PM of India.

Young man felt ashamed for his arrogance and he fell down at Sarabhai’s feet, crying profusely.

Sarabhai asked him to get up and said, “Behind every creation, There’s always the Creator. So, It doesn’t matter whether it is the Time of the Mahabharata or Today’s India. Never Forget God.”

Today’s Atheist people, by Invoking the Name of Science, may Dance as much as they want but History has Witnessed that Science has been Created by the God Believer Theists only.

Real Life Stories: Idol Worship Significance – Swami Vivekananda Story

Search Keywords: Vikram Sarabhai and Young Man Story, Story about Bhagwad Gita, Arrogance of Young Man Story, Short Inspirational Story

21 thoughts on “Vikram Sarabhai and Young Man Story”

    • This is a fake story. There is no Vikram Sarabhai research institute. Dr. Abdul Kalam studied DMIT ( equal to B. TECH) in MIT chennai. He joined as a scientist in DRDO. But he was not satisfied. Then he was recruited as a scientist in INCOSPAR by Vikram Sarabhai and worked under him before joining ISRO. The same story is making rounds as though Dr Kalam met Dr Vikram Sarabhai in Chennai Beach, Why people concact such fake stories? Dr Abdul Kalam is not an atheist. He was a firm believer in God. He studied in Schwartz Higher Secondary School, and St Joseph College both Christian Institutions and in MIT which was founded by Brahmins. He knew Bible, Quran and Bhagavad Gita.

  1. BARC in Trivandrum….sarabhai died in1969.can you list the names of research institutes in 1969 by sara bhai name.its non sense to put cooked up stories on great personality like sarabhai.

  2. Exactly I am also serching the fact of this story and you reply gives my answer. Thanks ! 😊

  3. This seems to be a bogus story as Vikram Sarabhai was from a Jain family and maybe sometimes he read Gita and quoted something and moreover, Abdul Kalam read Mahabharat and Ramayan since he was child. This story narrator can only claim Science has been created by god believer theist but there is nothing to prove. Even some Jain people claim that Einstein wished to become Jain if he was born again but who knows the reality. Science is not created by anyone and has no owner and it only tries to prove what the reality is before you. Religions are only unproven theories and full of myths. Human had morals before any religion came to establish in human society. Religions only wanted to control the freedom of critical thinking of the specific human community with its unproven stories and so called myths like sins, virtue, paradise and hell. The basis of all religions is on soul which never proved to be a reality so the further beliefs of religions on that basis automatically proved myths.

    • ur thinking is also fake. einstein himaelf argued that his theories r also not full proof. some may contradic it after 200 years. n there is unseen energy/force which no one can see.

  4. I don’t know if honest criticism would go well with the site admins but false stories with false morals are really disappointing

  5. Vikram Sarabhai died in 1971 and before he died, he was credited of establishing following institutions :
    Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad

    Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad

    Community Science Centre, Ahmedabad

    Darpan Academy for Performing Arts, Ahmedabad (along with his wife)

    Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuramm

    Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad (This institution came into existence after merging six institutions/centres established by Vikram Sarabhai)

    Faster Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR), Kalpakkam

    Varaiable Energy Cyclotron Project, Calcutta

    Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL), Hyderabad

    Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL), Jaduguda, Bihar

    Also, this story is partly true.

  6. Such beautiful stories are doing the rounds in WAP university for some times.It is the responsibility of the story teller to give reference to prove the truth.

  7. What do you want to prove soul…search and study Ian Stevenson work on reincarnation.there are many societies which are understanding rebirth,soul etc. Independent of religion..May be your myths get bursted.


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