Cursed Doll/ The Maid Short Horror Stories

Cursed Doll - Funny Horror Stories for Kids

Story 1: Cursed Doll Once lived a young girl who was extremely fond of dolls and had a hugh collection of variety of dolls at her home. One day, while she was browsing at a toy store and found a doll. Seeing that beautiful doll, see was keen to add it to her collection. When … Read more

Clown in Hall/ Man in Trench Coat Stories for Halloween

Clown in Hall Short Story - Best Halloween Stories for Kids

Story 1: The Clown in Hall! Once a family a couple with two little boys moved into a hugh house with large number of rooms. Few days later, boys complained to their parents about a clown who kept coming in their room at night. But father didn’t took it seriously. One day when parents were … Read more

Old Woman Problem and Wise Minister Solution

The Verdict - Old Woman Problem and Wise Minister Solution Story

Once four friends were passing by forest where they found a vessel filled with money. Seeing that, they decided to go to town and start a business with that money. Three of them liked suggestion, however fourth one didn’t like idea. Still he decided to stay quiet and planned to steal money, they found. Four … Read more

King and Three Minister’s Test!

King and Three Minister's Test! Be Kind Toward Animals

Long ago, lived a wise King. King wanted to appoint a new chief minister for his kingdom, so he decided to test wisdom of three ministers whom he found capable of becoming one. Next day, early morning, he called all three ministers to his chamber and said to them, “I want you all to bring … Read more

Student Art Work for Thankfulness – Heart Warming Story

Student Art Work for Thankfulness - Heart Warming Story

Once a first grade teacher thought of giving her class a fun assignment. Because Thanksgiving day was near, she asked kids to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful. Many would celebrate holiday with turkey and other traditional goodies of season, so teacher’s thought were that it would be subject of most … Read more

Price of A Miracle – Little Girl Heart Touching Story

Price of Miracle - Little Girl Heart Touching Story

Tess, eight year old girl, who heard her mom and dad talking about her little brother, Andy. All she could understand was that her brother was very sick and her parents were completely out of money. Her parents were talking about how costly surgery was and it was looking like there was no one to … Read more

Monk’s Advice to Fool..!

Monks Advice to Fool - Condemn Others Short Story

In a village, lived a man who was a fool. Everybody in village made fun of him. He lived all his life cowering and not even daring to speak. One day, a monk came to village. At night, man went to monk and fell at his feet and said, “Please give me some blessing. My … Read more

What’s Valuable – Wealth or Wisdom? Baal Shem Tov Story

What Valuable - Wealth or Wisdom Baal Shem Tov Story

It’s story about a Jewish mystic, Baal Shem. Once someone came to him and asked, “Which is more significant, more valuable – Wealth or Wisdom?” Baal Shem laughed and said, “Of course, wisdom is more significant, more valuable.” Man said, “Then, I have another question – I always see you – the wise man, waiting … Read more

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