Nurse and Patient Conversation – Positive Thinking

Nurse and Patient Conversation - Positive Thinking

A nurse entered patient’s room two hours before his operation. She fixed vase and while working, suddenly asked patient, “Sir, which doctor is doing your operation?” Patient replied, “Dr.Jason.” Hearing doctor’s name, leaving her work, nurse rushed to patient and with surprised look on her face she asked, “Sir, really? Has Dr.Jason really accepted your … Read more

Gold Coins Division – Different Perspective

Gold Coin Division - Our Perspective vs God's Deep Meaning

Once two men were talking sitting near a temple. After sometime a man came there, sat with them and started talking. Few minutes later that man said, “I am feeling hungry.” Listening to this two men also started feeling hungry. First man said that he have 3 chapatti and second man said he have 5 … Read more

Glass of Lemonade – Teacher Student Story

Glass of Lemonade - Teacher Student Story

There was college student who was always silent and alone. He always seemed bit nervous and didn’t even had any friends. His teacher noticed this and one day asked him to meet him after class. When student went to see teacher, teacher said to him, “I see that you are often very quiet. Neither do … Read more

Traveler Turban Cost – Exploiting Others Weakness

King Court and Traveler Turban Cost - Exploiting Others Weakness

Once a traveler from far away place came to King’s court. Traveler seemed rich with dignified personality. He was wearing big and beautiful turban. No one in country had seen such turban, everyone in court started to talk about his turban as it was very colorful and was decorated with bright little things. King also … Read more

If God Exist – Why is there Pain and Suffering?

If God Exist Why there is Pain and Suffering Interesing Conversation

Once a man went to his barber’s shop. Barber and man often used to talk about various topics like politics, sports etc. Today, they started to talk about existence of God. Barber said, “I don’t believe in God’s existence.” Man asked, “Why?” Barber said, “Just look down the street and you will understand that there … Read more

Four Candles in a Room – Story about Hope

Four Candles in a Room - Story about Hope

Once at night time, four candles were burning in a room and they started talking to each other. First candle said, “I am peace but in present there is catastrophe and robbery everywhere and it seems like world doesn’t want me any more. Therefore, i can’t stay here anymore…” And saying that candle was extinguished. … Read more

Saint Teaching – Man Question about Atonement

Saint Teaching - Man Question about Atonement for Sins

One day a saint was saying in a discourse, “If you wants to get rid for sins they have committed then you should Pledge to atone for the sins you have committed in past and not to commit any sin in future.” When discourse was completed, everyone left except for one person. That man hesitantly … Read more

Sheep and Wolf Story for Adults – Facing your Fear

Sheep and Wolf Story for Adults - Facing your Fear

Once there was shepherd who had 15 sheep. He would take them to grounds daily, for grazing and then in evening would bring back to their fence which was enclosed by barbed wire and would lock the fence entry from outside. Everything was going okay until one morning when shepherd was taking sheep out for … Read more

Two Friends Conflict – Short Moral Story for Kids

Two Friends Conflict - Short Moral Story for Kids

Once in a village lived two friends Nakul and Soham. Soham was very hard working where as Nakul was religious and used to prayer all day and believed that he didn’t have to do anything because all will be done by God. One day, they both bought a piece of land for farming. Soham used … Read more

Boy’s Prank and Weaver Response – Moral Lesson for Kids

Boy's Prank and Weaver Response - Moral Lesson for Kids

Long ago, In India, in a village lived a weaver who was very calm, humble and loyal by nature. People around knew that he never get angry. So, one day some boys from neighborhood thought to prank weaver to make him angry. They all reached at weaver shop. Among kids, there was one kid who … Read more

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