Shepherd Offer to Royal Priest – Greed Story

Shepherd Offer to Royal Priest - Greed Story

Once a King asked a question in his court, “Which is such a WELL from which a man cannot get out after falling?” No one in court could answer. In end King asked royal priest to answer this question with in seven days. Royal priest tired very hard but still he couldn’t think of any … Read more

Sincere Prayer – Disciple Question to Saint Ramdas

Sincere Prayer - Disciple Question to Saint Ramdas

When Saint Ramdas prayed, his lips never moved. One of his disciple noticed it and got curious. So, one day his disciple went to him and asked, “When we pray, lips move. Your lips don’t move. You stand like a stone idol. Usually, if you say something internally, even then there is a slight vibration … Read more

Question about God – Saint and Disciple Story

Question about God - Saint and Disciple Story

Once a Saint was giving a discourse of knowledge and devotion to his disciples. A disciple sitting in the audience, stood up and asked, “We are told that God is present everywhere but if it is so then why is he never visible to us. How can we believe that he is really around us? … Read more

Nails Pricking and Dog Crying – Deep Meaning

Nails Pricking and Dog Crying - Deep Meaning

A young man shifted to his new house. He really liked his new house and its atmosphere. But still there was one thing which was bothering him. Ever since he had come, sound of a dog crying, had been troubling him continuously. Young man thought that dog cry would stop after a while but this … Read more

Incident between Indian Man and Britishers on Train

Incident between Indian Man and Britishers on Train

A train was running at high speed. In a compartment, an Indian man was also sitting with the Britishers. All Britishers were making fun of that Indian man. Some were laughing at him seeing his dress and calling him coward, while some were getting angry and shouting, cursing at the management that why an Indian … Read more

Two Rooms – Minister Answer to King

Two Rooms - Minister Answer to King

Once King asked his minister, “Rate of birth of dog is far ahead of rate of birth of sheep still flocks of sheep are seen and dogs are seen only in some places. What could be reason for this?” Minister said, “Give me one day time. I will give you answer tomorrow.” King agreed. In … Read more

King and Parrot’s Nectar Fruit – Can You Answer?

King and Parrot Nectar Fruit - Can You Answer

Once a King had a beautiful parrot. Parrot was very intelligent and because of his sweet voice, king was happy with him. One day, parrot told King, “I want to go to my parents and begged King to give him permission to leave.” King allowed him and said, “Fine but you have to come back … Read more

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