Guru’s Reward for Boy – Deep Meaning Story

Guru's Reward for Boy - Deep Meaning Story

Once a man bought a diamond to a King and said, “Maharaj! I want to sell this diamond.” King asked, “What’s price?” Man said, “Maharaj! Whatever you think is right price for this diamond.” King consulted ministers and jewelers about diamond price but no one could decide on value of diamond as it was a … Read more

How Sutra of Knowledge Saved Merchant! Anger Story

How Sutra of Knowledge Saved Merchant! Anger Story

Long time ago, after two years of marriage, a young man expressed to his wife, his desire to go abroad and do business. His wife agreed. Young man left for his journey. Young man reached foreign country and worked hard. There he earned a lot of money and became a rich merchant. After eighteen years, … Read more

Who Will Eat Bread Among Three? Guru Ji Instruction

Who Will Eat Bread Among Three Guru Ji Instruction

Three person were returning after receiving initiation from their Guru. Their Guru ji had taught them to have practical along with spiritual knowledge. On their way, they were discussing various scriptures and puranas. After walking for long time, they stopped at place for rest. When they stopped for rest, they opened their bag for food … Read more

Boy with No Hands – Never Do Wrong with Other Story

Boy with No Hands - Never Do Wrong with Other Story

Once God went on walk with an Angel. On their way, they saw that some children were swimming in a pond and near by one child was sad sitting alone under a tree. Angel saw that child was missing both of his hands and because of it he was not able to swim with other … Read more

Man Jumped in River to Catch! Story about Bad Habits

Man Jumped in River to Catch! Story about Bad Habits

Story 1: Man Trying to get Blanket from River! Once a man was sitting with his friends on the river bank. Just then man saw a blanket floating in the river. As soon as man saw that blanket, he jumped into the river to catch it. After a while, he felt as if that blanket … Read more

Handful of Pearls! Monk’s Strange Demand – Deep Meaning

Handful of Pearls! Monk's Strange Demand - Deep Meaning

Once there was monk who way of asking for alms was very strange. Monk would stand in front of house and call out saying, “Mother! Give me a handful of pearls. God will bless you.” Hearing this kind of demand from a monk was strange for everyone who would hear this. Once a woman said, … Read more

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