King Invitation and Doubts – Zen Story

King Invitation and Doubts - Zen Story

Once there was King who used to go on round of his Kingdom in disguise. Every night he would go to see whether things were alright or there was some trouble about which he didn’t know. He saw a very beautiful and silent man standing under a tree. Whatever time of night he went, that … Read more

Two Monk and a Woman – Zen Teaching

Two Monk and Lady at River Bank - Zen Teaching Story

Once upon a time, two monks were traveling together. One their way to home, they came to bank of river and found that bridge was damaged. They had to wade (walk through) across the river. A pretty lady was standing on bank of river, She was also stuck there because of damaged bridge. She had … Read more

Bodhidharma and Emperor Story

Bodhidharma Story - Emperor Awakening Story Zen Teaching Stories

Once Bodhidharma decided to visit China. His fame had reached before him. Chinese Emperor himself came to receive Bodhidharma. Emperor had come from far away, from his capital in center to border of China, to receive Bodhidharma. Bodhidharma when reached, he was carrying one shoe on his head and one was on his foot, this … Read more

Man’s Innocence – Zen Enlightenment Story

Stories on Innocence - Zen Teaching Monk Disciple Enlightenment Story

Once there was big monastery, where lived 500 monks. They were all practicing path of self remembering under their Master. One day a man went to monastery to become disciple. Master accepted him as disciple but because he was simple, uneducated man from village, Master gave him job of rice cleaning in kitchen. Monastery kitchen … Read more

Old Zen Master and Archer Story..!

Old Man and Archer Zen Story - Learning Zen Ways for Better Control

Once a man was perfect in archery. He went to Emperor of China and said that he wants to be recognized as greatest and best archer in China and for that he was ready for any challenge. Emperor said, “Have you heard about an old archer who lives deep in mountains?” Man replied, “I haven’t … Read more

Short Zen Stories on Self Awareness

Zen Stories on Self Awareness - Zen Monk Bokuju Story abt Being Alert

Story 1: Anxiety Solution – Zen Master Bokuju Once lived a Zen master Bokuju. He used to live inside cave alone most of time. He would sometimes loudly say, “Bokuju” his own name and the himself would say, “Yes, I am here.” He would this anytime, day or night. There were some disciples who used … Read more

Young Man Request – Buddha Wisdom

Buddha Wisdom - Young man Request to Buddha and his Response Story

One day a young man went to Buddha and seemed very upset. Buddha asked him reason. Young man told him that his father has died and he wants to perform best after life rituals for his father and despite of his father’s good or bad actions in his life, he wants his father’s soul to … Read more

Zen Master Stories – Keichu Wisdom

Zen Master Stories - Keichu Meet with Governor Short Zen Story in Eng

In city of Kyoto, lived a Zen master called Keichu. He was a head of huge Cathedral in city. He was well respected for his astute perceptiveness. When Kitagaki took over as Governor of city of Kyoto, he went to meet Keichu. Upon reaching Cathedral, Kitagaki presented his business card to Keichu’s attendant and asked … Read more

Zen Teaching – Good Reflect Back..!!

Zen Teachings Stories - Always Think Good n Do Good Motivational Story

Once a grocer got distressed at his work. So he went to his master and told him about reason for his distress. He said to master, “A large chain store had opened across the way and it would drive me out of business. My family had been running this shop for centuries and i don’t … Read more

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