Alms and Sacrifice Stories..!!

Buddha Moral Stories - Wisdom n Good Work Stories

Story 1: Buddha’s Plough and Sow..!! One day while a farmer was on the field getting his harvest ready to take to market, just then Buddha came by and stood in front of him holding a bowl in his hand.. begging for alms. Seeing this farmer got angry and said, “I worked in fields, i … Read more

Disciple to Monk – What is Compassion..?

Motivational Stories on Compassion - Monk and Disciple Zen Short Stories

Once a young disciple came to his master and asked him, “Master, What is Compassion?” Master took him to the window and asked him to look at the beggar sitting at the corner of the street. While looking at him for some time they saw that an old lady passed by and gave him a … Read more

How to Get Rid of Fear of Death?

Short Stories About Fear of Death - Accepting Truth of Death Zen Teaching

Once a young man went to his master and said, “Master.. I fear death!! How can i get rid of this fear??” Master said, “Tell me.. When you borrow some coins from someone then are you afraid to give them back??” “Of course not..! I will not be afraid..”, Young man replied. Young man didn’t … Read more

Way to Achieve Goal!! Short Stories

Short Stories about Achieving Goals - Importance of Harmony in Life Story

One day master was watching a practice session in courtyard. All students were doing their practices. Among all those students he noticed that there was one young man who was trying to perfect his technique but he is not able to work on that move properly and it seemed to master that young man was … Read more

Beggar’s Magical Begging Bowl..!!

Human Mind And Desire Stories - Finding Inner Self English Story

Once there was a powerful emperor. One day he was going out of his palace. On his way he met a beggar. He asked beggar, “What do you want?” Beggar laughed and said, “What? You are asking me as if you can fulfill my desires..” Listening to beggar reply king felt offended and said, “Of … Read more

Trust in God Stories..

Trust in God Stories - Best Moral Stories About God in English

Story 1. Trust in God!! An emperor asked to Monk, “I would like to see your God. How can i see it?” Monk replied, “It’s impossible! You cannot see God.” Listening to this reply emperor questioned, “Impossible? If i can not see God, Hoe can i entrust my life to God?” “Ok, Can you show … Read more

Two Monks Conversation!!

Worse than a Clown Monks Story ZenStories Enlightenment

Story 1. Once two monks were traveling. They were going to another monastery. Due to their rules they were not even allowed to look at women. After walking for long they reached a river which they had to cross. The flow of river was so flooded that they couldn’t get across it without getting wet. … Read more

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