Angel’s Gift of Miracle to Saint – The Holy Shadow..!

Angel's Gift of Miracle to Saint - The Holy Shadow

Once lived a saint so good that angels came to earth. Angels saw that saint whole day could be summed up by two words – He Gave, He Forgave yet these words never passed his lips. These words were expressed in his smile, his kindness, forbearance and charity. Angel went back and told God about … Read more

Five Monks Journey – Distractions and Destination

Five Monks Journey - Distractions and Destination

Once a lama who was working in a faraway valley, wrote a letter to chief of monastery. In letter he said, “Send one more lama, we need him here.” Chief called all his disciples and read that letter in front of them. Then he said, “I would like to send five of you.” One lama … Read more

Student’s Work of Art – Painting Competition

Master Suggestion and Student's Work of Art - Painting Competition

Once a boy name Raman was studying art under guidance of a great master. Master taught Raman how to draw and paint, mixing colors and other various techniques. Raman was a quick learner. His master was proud of him. Once a competition was announced for budding painters. Artists were asked to send their paintings. Raman … Read more

Buddha Sleeping – Disciple Question

Buddha Sleeping Position - Disciple Question

Just nearby, in the Ajanta caves, in the last cave there is a sculpture of Gautam Buddha sleeping. That pose has become known as the “Lion’s pose” because the lion also sleeps on its side without moving. When Gautum Buddha was alive, he used to sleep in same posture, whole night. He wouldn’t move from … Read more

Neither Good nor Bad – Zen Master Hakuin Story

Neither Bad nor Good - Zen Master Hakuin Story

Once Zen master Hakuin lived on outskirts of a village in Japan. He was very famous and has great reputation. Whole village respected him. Whenever he would go to village for alms, people would greet and welcome him and would give him many things. But one day everything changed. A young unmarried girl in village … Read more

Old Zen Master and Archer Story..!

Old Man and Archer Zen Story - Learning Zen Ways for Better Control

Once a man was perfect in archery. He went to Emperor of China and said that he wants to be recognized as greatest and best archer in China and for that he was ready for any challenge. Emperor said, “Have you heard about an old archer who lives deep in mountains?” Man replied, “I haven’t … Read more

Zen Story – Archery Skill..!!

Zen Story on Ego - Zen Master and Young Man Archery Competition Story

Once an accomplished young archer got to know about a Zen master who was famous for his prowess in archery. Young archer was proud of his skills and went to Zen master and dared him to a test of their skills. On the day of test, both came on decided place. First was young man’s … Read more

Zen Master Stories – Keichu Wisdom

Zen Master Stories - Keichu Meet with Governor Short Zen Story in Eng

In city of Kyoto, lived a Zen master called Keichu. He was a head of huge Cathedral in city. He was well respected for his astute perceptiveness. When Kitagaki took over as Governor of city of Kyoto, he went to meet Keichu. Upon reaching Cathedral, Kitagaki presented his business card to Keichu’s attendant and asked … Read more

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