Three Rich Man and Their Kindness

Helping Other Stories - Best Generosity Stories for Kids

Once upon a time there was a village which was facing great poverty. One day three rich men and their servants were traveling on the same road, on their way they came to this poor village. Seeing the poverty of village all the three men thought of helping the people of village. The first man … Read more

Life is Beautiful Live it to the Fullest

Life is Beautiful Live it to the Fullest

Once upon a time in a small village lived a very wise man. He was head of local administration and was respected by all. People used to come to him at times to seek good advise on different aspects of life. But ironically his own son was lazy and nothing was there to make difference … Read more

Story of Fisherman and King’s Guard

Story of Fisherman and King's Guard - Wise man Stories

Once there was a king who wanted to give a great feast to his guests, He got all kind of dishes prepared for them but cooks were not having fish to cook. So, he offered a reward to anyone who can get fishes before feast. After knowing about the announcement, a fisher man bought the … Read more

Wise Pandit’s Reply to Householder

Wise Poor Pandit Reply - Judging by Appearance Stories

In a village, there lived a Pandit. Despite being well-versed in all Scriptures and knowing everything he was very poor and didn’t have a house. Even getting meals for a day was very difficult for him and his clothes were worn out. Pandit used to beg for his meals, “Please give me Alms.” by going … Read more

Birbal Khichdi Short Story!!

Birbal ki Khichdi - Short Stories in English for Kids

On a cold winter day Akbar and Birbal took a walk along the lake. A thought came to Birbal that a man would do anything for money. He expressed his feelings to Akbar. Akbar then put his finger into the lake and immediately removed it because he shivered with cold. Akbar said “I don’t think … Read more

Crows in the Kingdom..

Crows in The Kingdom - Akbar Birbal Short Stories in English

One day Emperor Akbar and Birbal were taking a walk in the palace gardens. It was a nice summer morning and there were plenty of crows happily playing around the pond. While watching the crows, a question came into Akbar’s head. He wondered how many crows were there in his kingdom. Since Birbal was accompanying … Read more

Wicker Barber Conspiracy Against Birbal..

Wicked Barber Plan - Akbar Birbal Short Stories in English

One day they approached the king’s barber with a plan. As the barber was extremely close to the king, they asked him to help them get rid of Birbal permanently. And of course, they promised him a huge sum of money in return. The wicked barber readily agreed. The next time the king required his … Read more

King Akbar’s Three Questions for Birbal

Three Questions by King - Akbar Birbal Stories English

King Akbar was very fond of Birbal. This made a certain courtier very jealous. Now this courtier always wanted to be chief minister, but this was not possible as Birbal filled that position. One day Akbar praised Birbal in front of the courtier. This made the courtier very angry and he said that the king … Read more