Man’s Anxiety on Ship – Facing Fear

Story about Facing Fears - Man's Anxiety Solution Short Moral Story

Once Sultan of Dubai decided to travel by Sea with some of his favorite courtiers. All joined on decided day and sailed out into open sea. However, as ship moved away from land, one of his courtier, who had never seen been on sea before began to overcome with panic. Sitting on ship deck, he … Read more

Woman Reply to Chanakya..!

Chanakya Stories - Learning from Mistakes Interesting Story Anicent Indian

Chanakya was insulted at King Nanda’s kingdom and he wanted to take revenge for his insult. Soon, he meet a child name Chandragupta who was bright. Chanakya started to teach him. He collected enough money to raise an army for Chandragupta. He taught them about battle strategies and taught Chandragupta all about rights and duties … Read more

Swami Vivekananda in America Stories

Swami Vivekananda Story - Christian Missionary and Swami ji Story

Story 1: Converting a Situational Set up into an Opportunity Once a Cristian missionary invited Swami ji to his house and took him to his personal library. Missionary self applauded his library bring Swami ji to books shelf and mockingly, “How you found the order of books here.” Swami ji was astute on observing things … Read more

Way to be Happy Always

How to be Happy Always - How to Make Peace with Yourself Short Story

In a small village lived a man name Ram who was kind and always happy. He used to smile always and had kind and encouraging words to say, whenever it was necessary. Everyone who met him, left feeling better and happier and elated. One of his neighbor always saw him. He saw that lots of … Read more

Socrates Stories – Power of Conscience

Socrates Stories - Astrologer Prediction n Socrates Reply Interesting Story

Once Greek’s famous philosopher Socrates was talking to his disciples. At same time, an astrologer arrived there and claimed that he could tell a person’s character by looking at the face. Then Astrologer looked at Socrates and said, “Shape of nostrils tell that this person have anger issue..” Listening to this Socrates disciples got angry … Read more

Zen Master Stories – Keichu Wisdom

Zen Master Stories - Keichu Meet with Governor Short Zen Story in Eng

In city of Kyoto, lived a Zen master called Keichu. He was a head of huge Cathedral in city. He was well respected for his astute perceptiveness. When Kitagaki took over as Governor of city of Kyoto, he went to meet Keichu. Upon reaching Cathedral, Kitagaki presented his business card to Keichu’s attendant and asked … Read more

King Questions Hermit Answer

King Questions Story - Hermits Wise Answer Moral Story for Better Life

Once in a kingdom, lived a hermit in forest. Hermit was famous for his wisdom and people would come to him for help. One day, King dressed in simple clothes went to forest, to meet hermit. When King reached at hermit’s place, he saw that hermit was digging a hole in front of his hut. … Read more

Akbar Birbal Stories – Punishment..!!

Akbar Birbal Stories in English - Innocent Punishment Wise Thinking Story

Once day, when royal courtroom was buzzing with conversations, awaiting Akbar’s arrival. Soon Akbar arrived but he was not in his usual present mood. One of his advisor asked, “What is problem your majesty? Is something bothering you?” Akbar said, “Today, someone dared to pull my mustache.. What punishment do you think this person should … Read more

Mulla Nasrudin Wisdom Tales

Mulla Nasrudin Tales - Wisdom Very Short Stories of Nasrudin in English

Story 1: What is Fate? Once a man asked Nasrudin, “What is meaning of Fate?” “Assumptions”,he replied. Man questioned again, “in what way?” Nasrudin looked at him and said, “Sometimes you assume things are going to go well but they don’t.. that time you call it bad luck.. Then sometimes you assumes things are going … Read more

Idol Worship Significance..

Idol Worship Significance - Swami Vivekananda Life Stories for Learning

In 1891, State of Alwar was ruled by Maharaja who was not a believer of idol worship. It was heard that he often made fun of idol worship just to appease britishers. Swami Vivekananda was invited by, Dewan (Minister) of State of Alwar, to palace to discuss problems of people with Maharaja. On meeting, Maharaja … Read more

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