Four Friends and Lion Story!

Four Friends and Lion Story!

Once in a village, lived a four friends. Among them three had finest knowledge of scriptures while one friend didn’t had much knowledge of scriptures but was wise. One day they started discussing future. First friend said, “We have acquired so much knowledge and i have heard that King of state have great respect for … Read more

Archbishop and Saints – Spiritual Enlightenment

Spiritual Enlightenment - Archbishop and Saints Divine Awakening Story

Once a Archbishop became very much annoyed because of three people who had become known as saints and used to lived on small island. Archbishop got very jealous and angry that without sanction these people were started to known as saints and thousands of people were going to island to get their blessings. One day, … Read more

Wisdom Stories – Old Swan Advice..!!

Old People Wisdom Stories - Never Ignore Advice of Elder Moral Stories

Once near a pond was a very big tree. There lived a big group of swans. In that group lived an old swan who was very wise, intelligent and far-sighted. Everyone around respected him. One day, old swan saw a small vine wrapped at the bottom of tree trunk. He called other swans and said, … Read more

Sacred Wooden Beads..!

Interesting Short Stories for Adults - Different Perspective for Better Life Zen Stories

Once there was huge temple built in center of lake. There lived great master and 20 of his disciples who would learn Buddhism teaching’s. There was a precious string of wooden beads which was sacred and was enshrined in temple. As temple was in middle of lake it was connected to rest of world with … Read more

Thinking Wisely Stories..

Thinking Wisely Stories - Dandelions Problem Story

Story 1: Taking Care..!! Once in an acrobats show, there was a little girl and young women. They used to perform in pair. Young lady would teach tricks to girl and little girl would learn them obediently from her. In show, their act consisted of young lady balancing a pole in her hand and little … Read more

Judgement Stories – Old Man’s Horse

Moral Stories on Judgement - Judging Situations Short Stories to Share

Once there was an poor old man used to live in a village. He was poor yet even king’s were jealous of him because of a beautiful white horse he owned. He was offered fabulous prices and money to sell that horse but old man would refuse saying, “This is not just horse to me, … Read more

Bundle of Gems..!! (Must Read)

Never Do Wrong Moral Stories - Spiritual Learning Best Short Moral Story

Once in a village lived a poor man. Poor man was a devotee and used to pray daily to God. He was very good by nature and never troubled anyone. In village many Holy man used to visit. Poor man respected them very much and when every any holy man visited village, he would go … Read more

Monk and Wealthy Man Story – Change Your Vision..!!

Think Wisely Moral Stories - Wisdom Short Stories about Problems in Life

Once there was very wealthy man who was suffering from severe eye pain. He consulted many doctors and tried their treatments but nothing helped. Even after consuming so many drugs to treat his eye, he still suffered from pain and that pain in eye persisted more than before. At last, he heard about a monk … Read more

Wisdom and Knowledge Stories

Wisdom and Knowledge Stories - Working Together Stories

Story 1: Why to Learn Together..?? Once all disciples were sitting with master. One of disciple questioned his master, “Master, Everyone says that to find spiritual inner self one have to go alone in search of it. If it’s true then why are we all together here learning about Spiritual Enlightenment?” Master replied, “A tree … Read more

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