Encouraging Others – Battle Story

Stories about Encouraging Others - Destiny Short Moral Inspirational Story

Once upon a time, A battle was going on in Japan. One army was greatly outnumbered by army men of enemy. General of army with small number of soldier was confident that they could win that battle and decided to launch an attack. He called upon his lieutenant and asked him to prepare soldiers for … Read more

Zen Master Story – Salt in Lake.!

Zen Master Short Stories - Way to Live Happy Life Moral Stories in English

Once a young man was very unhappy with his life. He felt depressed and terrible all the time. He got to know about a zen master in near by town. One day he decided to visit master and ask for solution. Young man went to him and said, “I have so many problems in life … Read more

God Stories – Footprints on Beach.!

Trust in God Stories - Dont Lose Hope in Difficult Times Best Moral Stories

One night a man saw a dream. In his dream he was walking beside God on the beach. After walking some distance man and God stopped and rested for a while. Mean while man saw that all the scene from his life were flashing in the sky and just below them on the beach he … Read more

Inspiring Story of Glenn Cunningham..!!

Stories of Persistence and Success - Inspiring Story of Glenn Cunningham

In a country side school, classroom used to be heated by old fashioned way. A little boy used to come early to school to start fire and warm class before after everyone else arrive. But one morning when everyone else arrived they found the school engulfed in flames. They found unconscious boy inside and carried … Read more

Good Deeds Never Go Unrewarded..

The Good Deed Moral Lesson - Good Deeds Never Go in Vain Short Story

Once in a far away village, lived a young boy who used to live with his step-family. There was scarcity of water in the village so people had to go stream of water at end of village to fetch water. Young boy used to wake up early in morning to get water from the stream … Read more

Business Success – Old Man Debt.! (Must Read)

Stories about Business Success - Self confidence and Attitude Best Stories

Once a businessman got caught in debt real deep and he was not able to think of any way out to sort out that debt. So one day he went out and sat in the park to think if he could do anything to save his company from bankruptcy. While he was sitting in park, … Read more

Kid and Shopkeeper Story..

Kid and Shopkeeper Story - Kids Reply to Mother Best Moral Stories Share

Once a little boy and his mother went to shop in market. After shopping for while they stopped by a shop where mother went inside to shop something and boy stood near desk of that shop shopkeeper. Shop keeper had a tumbler of sweets kept on his desk. On seeing little boy he picked that … Read more

Comparing Ourselves with Others..!!

Comparing Ourselves to Others Story - Zen Master and Samurai Moral Stories

Once a Samurai went to visit a Zen monk to seek some advice. As he entered temple where masters were praying, see this he felt inferior and felt that in-spite of having fought for justice and peace he hadn’t even come near state of grace which was achieved was monks praying there. As monk finished … Read more

Inspiring Story of Karoly Takacs

Inspirational Story of World Best Shooter - Story of Will and Determination

Karoly TakacsĀ of the Hungarian Army, was top pistol shooter in the world for men’s 25 metre rapid fire pistol. He had won many national and international championship in shooting. He was preparing for Olympics 1940 and was expected to win Gold for his nation. But one day in 1938 during his army session a hand … Read more

Boy Learned Judo – Strength or Weakness

Short Story about Strength and Weakness - Inspirational Stories for Kids

A 10 year old boy wanted to learn Judo but he lost his left arm in an devastating car accident. Despite the fact that he lost his arm he was determined to study judo and went to master and requested him to teach judo. Boy began his lessons with an old Japanese Judo master. Even … Read more

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