Akbar Punishment to Servant Who Lied

Akbar Punishment to Servant Who Lied

One day, while cleaning in Emperor Akbar’s bedroom, one of vase fell from hand of servant and broke. Servant got scared because it was Akbar’s favorite vase. Servant gathered all the pieces and secretly threw them. When Akbar came to bedroom, he found his favorite vase missing. He called servant and asked about it. Out … Read more

Three Thugs Trick on Pandit – Goat or Dog!

Three Thugs Trick on Pandit - Goat or Dog!

Once a Pandit went to a rich man house to perform religious rituals. After rituals were over, host gifted him a goat. While leaving for his home, Pandit picked up that goat and carried on his shoulders. When Pandit was going on his way to home, three thugs saw him with goat and started planning … Read more

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