Who is Giver? Two Beggars and King Story

Who is Giver Two Beggars and King Story

Long ago, in a city lived two beggars Kripal and Jagat. Every morning, they both would go to King’s palace for alms. Kripal would go there and call out saying, “Giver is God, we all are his children.” Where as Jagat would go there and call out saying, “Giver is King, he will get me … Read more

God’s Will and Apple from Heaven – God and Little Girl Story

God's Will and Apple from Heaven - God and Little Girl Story

Once there an announcement was made from Heaven that God is coming to distribute apples. So, everyone got ready and stood in line to recieve apple from God. A little girl was very curious because she was going to see God for first time. She was happy with thought of seeing God and getting an … Read more

Poor Woman Response to Secretary – Believe in God

Poor Woman Response to Secretary - Believe in God

There was a poor woman who had firm believe in God. Once, poor woman and her family didn’t get any food for several days. So, she sent a message to God through radio asking him to help her. In same city, an atheist rich man heard this broadcast and thought of doing something which will … Read more

Lady Kept Sadhu Waiting for Alms.. Why? Deep Meaning

Lady Kept Sadhu Waiting for Alms.. Why Deep Meaning

Once a Sadhu was standing outside a Seth (rich man) house, singing bhajan (hymns in praise of God) and asking for food. Sethani (Seth wife) went inside kitchen and bought food for him yet she had been telling Sadhu for a long time that she was coming. Sadhu was singing bhajan while waiting. Seth was … Read more

Man Walking on Rope – Story about Faith in God

Man Walking on Rope - Story about Faith in God

Once a man was walking on a rope holding a long bamboo stick. He had his son sitting on shoulder while doing this. Hundreds of people were watching this with bated breath. Man was carefully taking steps, battling strong winds, risking his life and his son’s life. When man walked over the rope and reached … Read more

Princess and Monk Difference in Thinking! Story abt Renunciation

Princess and Monk Difference in Thinking! Story about Renunciation

Long ago, there was a girl who despite being born in King’s family, had feelings of renunciation. When the princess got at age of getting married, King was not able to find a suitable groom for her marriage. Understanding the feelings of his daughter, the King, after much thought, got her married to a poor … Read more

Sant Malukdas Story – From an Atheist to a Devotee (Must Read)

Sant Malukdas Story - From an Atheist to a Devotee

In old times, lived a Saint Malukdas, who was a karmayogi and had gained immensed knowledge from self study, Satsang and traveling. In the beginning, Saint Malukdas was an atheist. Once, a Sadhu came to his village and stayed. Sadhu used to recite Ramayana to people, every morning and evening. Villagers would visit him and … Read more

Man Complaint to God about Troubles in Life

Man Complaint to God about Troubles in Life

Once a person had a very bad day. At night, he pleaded to God and said, “God, if you are not angry, may i ask you a question?” God replied, “Ask, whatever you want to ask.” Person said, “God, why did you spoiled my whole day?” God asked, “But what happened?” Person said, “In morning, … Read more

Little Girl Prayer and Umbrella – Must Read

Little Girl Prayer and Umbrella - Must Read

Not even a drop of rain had fallen in a village for 4 years. Because of drought everyone in village was sad. There lived a farmer with his wife and daughter. One day, farmer called his wife and said, “We should pray to God for rain.” His wife came to him with their 6 year … Read more

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