What is Beyond Wealth? Woodcutter and Fakir Story

What is Beyond Wealth Woodcutter and Fakir Story

A fakir used to meditate under a tree near forest. There he used to see a woodcutter everyday. Woodcutter looked weak and poor. So, one day, he called woodcutter and asked him, “Brother, you cut wood all day. Are you able to earn enough?” Woodcutter sadly replied, “I can’t even manage to get two meals … Read more

Handful of Pearls! Monk’s Strange Demand – Deep Meaning

Handful of Pearls! Monk's Strange Demand - Deep Meaning

Once there was monk who way of asking for alms was very strange. Monk would stand in front of house and call out saying, “Mother! Give me a handful of pearls. God will bless you.” Hearing this kind of demand from a monk was strange for everyone who would hear this. Once a woman said, … Read more

Why Not Everyone Can See God? King Request to God

Why Not Everyone Can See God? King Request to God

Once there was king who was justice loving and cared for his subjects. He was religious by nature and used to worship and remember God with great reverence. One day God pleased with his worship, appeared in front of him and said, “I am very happy with you. Tell me do you have any desires?” … Read more

True Wealth – Monk and Woodcutter Story for Adults

True Wealth - Monk and Woodcutter Story for Adults

In a village lived a poor woodcutter who would go to forest everyday to cut wood and then sell it in market. His income was very low. One day he heard about a monk who came to his village. He decided to go to monk. Next morning, he went to monk and said, “Maharaj, i … Read more

Rich Man Problem..!!

Health is Wealth Stories - Holy Man Wise Advice to Rich Man Moral Stories

Once there was a very rich businessman who was kind and generous. He used to help everyone, everyone liked him still his family and friends were worried about him because he was very lazy. He used to work from home and spent days, weeks in bed without getting out anywhere or doing any physical work … Read more

Value of Sharing..!!

Value of Sharing and Caring Best Moral Stories for All in English to Share

Once in a town lived a very greedy rich man. Rich man ordered to build a big safe and he wanted to fill it will gold and jewels. So, one day he hired a mathematician to find the best way for him to make the greatest profit in everything he did. Mathematician studied for months … Read more

Reason for Human Suffering..! Different Cups Story

Short Stories Human Suffering - Reason for Stress in Life Best Moral Story

Once a group of friends who were now highly established in their work decided to meet one of their professor from university. So, one day they all went together to visit their old university professor. When they meet professor all started to share about their life and work but soon all this turned into complaints … Read more

Live Life While You Can..! Living Life Story

Living Life Stories - Beautiful Short Story abt Life Happiness Death Wealth

Once there was a person who was very hard working and focused to earn more and more money for better life. He worked very hard and made a great career. Man was so busy with all his work that he never even got time to meet his family for long time. After long he realized … Read more

Poor or Rich!! Being Happy Moral Stories

Money vs Peace Short Stories in Eng - Being Happy Moral Stories

Once in a village lived neighbors Ramesh and Suresh. Ramesh was a poor farmer where as Suresh was a landlord. Ramchand used to work in farms all day and still he would seem very relaxed and happy. At night he never bothered to close doors or windows of his house and slept soundly. He had … Read more

Overcoming Desires – Saint Wish

Overcoming Desires - Inspiring Spiritual Moral Stories to Learn

Once there was a man who had desires larger than life. He tried everything to earn money and fulfill his desires but didn’t succeed. One day he came attended a satsang and following it be followed the path of saint. Now he became saint and his longing for anything weren’t there anymore. He used to … Read more

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