Disciple Challenge to Old Swordsman!!

Disciple Challenge to Old Swordsman!!

Once in a Kingdom, lived a great swordsman. There was not other swordsman like him in that whole kingdom. With his swordsmanship, many times he had helped King of his kingdom to win wars. That’s why everyone in kingdom respected him a lot. Swordsman grew old with passage of time and didn’t want his art … Read more

Two Identical Statues – Sculptor Challenge to King..!

Two Identical Statues - Sculptor Challenge to King..!

It was winter time, so King’s court was organized outside under the morning sun. King’s and all minister, common people from his kingdom were also present there. After sometime, a man came and asked permission to come in court. King granted permission. He came in and said, “My Lord, I am a sculptor and i … Read more

Painter and Rich Lady Portrait Story – Smart Thinking

Painter and Rich Lady Portrait Story - Smart Thinking

In city lived a very famous painter, he was known for his work and wise nature. He had one intern who used to live with him and learn painting. One day a rich lady visited him with her dog and asked him to paint a portrait of herself with her dog. Painter agreed. After a … Read more

Message on Pole – Way to Help Old Woman

Message on Pole - Way to Help Old Woman

On the way, man saw a paper with handwritten message stuck on electric pole. Man went closer and started reading… “Yesterday my fifty rupee note fell on this road. I can’t see properly and was not able to find it, whoever finds it please deliver it..!!” was written on it and under it was written … Read more

Puzzle to Open Door – King and Young Man Story

Puzzle to Open Door - King and Young Man Story

Once a mighty King ruled a kingdom. He didn’t have any children and because of his age, he was worried about future heir of kingdom. So, he decided to hand over the reins of his kingdom to a qualified youth. He conducted a merit test for selection of future successor. For test, a magnificent palace … Read more

King Question and Kid Reply – Story with Twist

King Question and Kid Reply - Story with Twist

Once in a Kingdom, there was Priest who was famous for his intelligence and wisdom. One day, King invited Priest to his court. When Priest reached King’s court, they had deep discussions on many subject. When he was about to leave, King said, “Pandit ji, If you allow i want to ask you one thing.” … Read more

Fire or Wind Wrapped in Paper..! – Tricky Gifts Story

Fire or Wind Wrapped in Paper - Tricky Gifts Story Japanese Folktales

Once in a Japanese village, lived an old man with his two sons. Old man always wanted to have daughters. He waited eagerly for his sons to grow up so that he can get them married. At last, both his son got married. Old man was affectionate towards both his daughter-in-laws and girls loved and … Read more

Wife’s Smart Solution to Problem – Funny Interesting Story

Wife's Smart Solution to Problem - Funny Interesting Story

Once in a village lived a kind-hearted man Shyam with his wife Madhu. Although poor, he was generous man. Everyday he would bring guest home, for lunch. Often, couple would go hungry after serving guests. Madhu tried to tell her husband that it was difficult to feed guests, when they were themselves are struggling to … Read more

Raman’s Challenge to Wrestler..!

Raman's Challenge to Wrestler - Witty and Funny Short Folktales from Ancient India

Once Raja Krishndeva, got angry with Tenali Raman and ordered him not to show his face. One day, while walking, Raman saw that a tall, fat man being carried by four man. Procession was heading to palace. It was Procession of a Wrestler from north who went to palace and called on King, “I am … Read more

Old Woman and Her Wish..!

Old Blind Woman and Her Wish - Interesting Story

Once in a village, lived a blind old woman with her son and daughter-in-law. They were very poor. Old woman used to pray to Lord Shiva everyday. Because of her prayers and devotion, one day, Lord Shiva appear before her and said, “I am moved by your devotion. I will grant you one wish. So … Read more

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