Disciples Question – What is Most Powerful Thing?

Disciples Question - What is Most Powerful Thing

One day, in Gurukul, a debate broke out among disciples about – What is the most powerful thing in the world? Everyone was saying one or other thing. When they were not able to reach any conclusion, all disciples went to Guru ji. Guru ji listened to what disciples had to say and then after … Read more

Speaking Bad/ Learn to Be Happy – Short Stories

Waiting for River to Dry!! Short Stories

Story 1: Hurting Other with Bitter Words?? Once in a village lived a Seth (rich man) who used to speak abusive words in anger and his words used to hurt others a lot. In village lived a Saint. People around who used to be around Seth all the time, were fed up of his this … Read more

Meaning of King’s Dream – Choose Your Words Wisely

Meaning of King Dream - Choose Words Wisely

Once a King saw in a dream that all his teeth were broken, only a big front tooth was left in his mouth. King got greatly disturbed by such dream. In morning, King narrated his dream to his minister and wanted to know its meaning. Ministers advised that dream experts should be called and ask … Read more

King’s Question and Wise Man Interesting Answer

King's Question and Wise Man Interesting Answer

One day King came to know about a wise man who was visiting his kingdom. King got curious and called for wise man to visit his court. When wise man came to King’s court, King said to him, “I have heard about your wisdom. I want to ask you something but if you are not … Read more

Basket of Feathers – Always Think Before You Speak

Basket of Feathers - Always Think Before You Speak

Once a farmer got in fight with his neighbor. During fight farmer got so angry that he said many bad and rude things to his neighbor. After some time, farmer realized his mistake and wanted to take his words back but didn’t know what to do. Just then he got to know that a saint … Read more

The Musical Donkey – Panchtantra Story with Moral

The Musical Donkey - Panchtantra Story with Moral

Once upon a time, there lived a washer man who had a donkey. Donkey used to carry loads of clothes to river bank and back to home for washer man. Washer man would give donkey food but donkey was not satisfied with the food he got. So, he would wander and freely gaze on the … Read more

Birbal and His Friend Story – Never Speak Hastily

Birbal and His Friend Story - Never Speak Hastily

One day, Birbal and his friend was coming back from somewhere. On there way, they were passing by a small stream. Bridge on that stream was very old, narrow and slippery. Birbal was able to cross that bridge but his friend couldn’t. Just before reaching the other end, friend lost his balance and fell into … Read more

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