Rich Man Policy and Thief Story – How Karma Works

Rich Man Policy and Thief Story - How Karma Works

Once there was a Rich man who was very kind and believed in Dharma and Karma. Many people would come to him for loan and he would never refuse anyone. But he had a policy. His bookkeeper would ask person getting loan, “When will you return this loan In this Life or Next?” Honest person … Read more

Clever Inspector and Thief Story

Thief and Inspector Thinking - Learning From Experience

In ancient times, there was a school to train local police. Students from many kingdoms came there to study. There Guru Dandapani would say, “It’s important to understand mindset of thief if you want to catch him. Once you understand how a thief thinks, it becomes easier to catch him. So, in order to catch … Read more

Old Thief Lesson to Young Man.!

Old Thief Story - Self Awareness Lesson Taught to Young Man Short Story

Once a man was known as master thief in kingdom. He was well known and famous all over kingdom. He was so much expert that nobody had ever been able to catch him. He would always leave marks so that people would know that he had stolen from there. He had stolen even from King’s … Read more

Fakir Begging Bowl and Thief Story

Fakir Stories - Golden Begging Bowl and Thief Englightenment Moral Story

Once in Bharat, lived a naked fakir, Nagarjuna. he was famous and loved by all. Queen who ruled at that time, also admired and respected him a lot. One day she asked him to come to palace, to be guest. Fakir went. When he came, Queen asked him for favor. When Fakir met Queen, he … Read more

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