Master Ji Lesson to Boys Arguing – Different Point of View

Master Ji Lesson to Boys Arguing - Different Point of View

Master ji was teaching in class, when sound of two children fighting with each other started coming from behind. Listening to that, Master ji asked, “What happened? Why are you fighting like this?” Raman said, “Sir, Mohit is adamant about his point and is not ready to listen to me.” Mohit said, “Sir, What Raman … Read more

If There is Little Extra Salt in Lemonade! Teacher Student Story

If There is Little Extra Salt in Lemonade! Teacher Student Story

There was a college student who was always quiet in class. He didn’t talk to anyone much and didn’t have any friends. One of his teacher noticed this. He called him out after class and asked, “I often see you sit silent, neither talking to anyone nor showing interest in anything. What is reason for … Read more

Scholar and Young Man Conversation

A Scholar was being interviewed by a young professional. Interview started.. Young man – Sir, in your last lecture, you told us about CONTACT and CONNECTION. It was really confusing. Can you please explain? Scholar smiled and asked, “Are you from this city?” Young man replied, “Yes.” Scholar asked, “Who’s in your family?” Young man … Read more

Why Try Again? Teacher Lesson about Failure

Teacher Lesson about Failure - Try Again

Ramu started a business with great enthusiasm but just after few months, his business went under. After that, time passed but Ramu didn’t started any new work. His teacher got to knew about his situation and called him to his home. Teacher welcomed Ramu and they talked for bit about each other well being. Then … Read more

Placing Label on Someone – Teacher Lesson

Placing Label on Someone - Teacher Lesson

Once in a class, a student thought to play a prank on one of his classmate. He took a paper and wrote on it – I am Stupid and then he took that paper and stuck it on the back of his classmate, without getting noticed. When other students saw this, he asked them not … Read more

Teacher Question to Student – Short Stories

Teacher Question to Student - Short Stories

Story 1: Trying to Erase One’s Mistake! A kid when started using using pen in middle school, while writing made a mistake. So, before submitting he tried to erase it. Kid tried to use chalk, but after a while, his mistake were visible again. So, he began to use his saliva to rub out his … Read more

Unique Exam – One’s Responsibility in Family

Unique Exam - One's Responsibility in Family

“Son! please go after you eat some food, you haven’t eaten anything since two days”,a helpless mother said to her son. “Look mother! I had asked for a bike when vacation starts and papa promised that he will buy me one after my exams end. Today is my last exam, tell sister that as soon … Read more

Brakes in Car – Teacher Question and Point of View

Breaks in Car - Teacher Question and Point of View

Once in physics class, teacher asked students, “Why do we have brakes in our car?” A student got up and replied, “Sir, to stop the car.” Another student replied, “To reduce and control speed of car.” Another said, “To avoid collision.” Soon, all the students began to give similar answer. So, teacher decided to answer … Read more

Teacher Lesson to Students Arguing – Point of View

Teacher Lesson to Students Arguing - Point of View

In a class, two students started quarreling with each other. Seeing their quarrel, teacher asked, “What’s matter? Why you two are fighting like this?” First student said, “Sir! He is not listening to me.” Second student said, “Sir, why should i listen to him? What he is saying is wrong. So, what is use of … Read more

Stolen Watch – Teacher Student Heart Touching Story

Stolen Watch - Teacher Student Heart Touching Story

An old man was sitting in the park. “Sir! remember me?”, asked man who came and stood beside him. Old man asked, “Who?” Man replied, “Sir, i was your student, 20 years ago.” “Oh! Son i can’t see well these days and my memory also became weak. That’s why i can’t recognize you. Come sit … Read more

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