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20 Amazing n Interesting Facts about Diamonds

20 Amazing Facts about Diamonds

Diamonds were first Mined in India over 2800 years ago. Diamonds were used to Engrave Gemstones in India by 300 BCE. Ancient Hindus used Diamonds in the Eyes of Devotional statues and believed that a Diamond could Protect its wearer from Danger. The Ancient Greeks believed that Diamonds were Splinters of stars that has Fallen…

29 Amazing Facts about Global Currency

29 Amazing Facts about Global Currency

The British Pound Sterling is the World’s oldest Currency, dating back to Anglo-Saxon times. During the Middle Ages, Knights did not want to carry Cash around because of Robbers. Instead, Knights wore Special rings. When a Knight stayed at an inn, he would Stamp the bill with his Ring. The Innkeeper later took the stamped…

20 Surprising Facts about Sanskrit Language You Didn't Know

20 Surprising Facts about Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit is the Oldest language known to Humanity. It is the Oldest, Most technical, Systematic language in the world. Sanskrit is the only Unambiguous Language in Existence. Sanskrit has the Perfection of the Pronunciation and the Uniqueness of the Grammar that has remained the Same in all the ages. It is the most Perfect Language…

33 Fun and Interesting Facts about Shoes

33 Fun and Interesting Facts about Shoes

The First pair of shoes containing a Left and Right shoe, were created in Philadelphia. There was No evidence that Right and Left shoes were Created before this time. For centuries, Heels signified a High social standing rather than Gender. It was also crucial for Men riding horses to have a Heel on their boot…

19 Interesting about Mobile Phones

19 Interesting about Mobile Phones

The First mobile call was made by Martin Cooper in 1973. There are more Mobile phones than PCs, the Ratio is 5 times. Around 80% of the World’s population has a Mobile phone. Within 3 minutes of Delivery, 90% of text messages are Read. More than 90% of Adults have their Mobile phone within arm’s…

23 Surprising Interesting Facts about Gold

23 Surprising Facts about Gold

23 Surprising Facts You Never Knew About Gold Nearly all the Gold on Earth came from Meteorites that bombarded the Planet over 200 million years after it Formed. There is an Estimated total of 10 billion tons of Gold in the World’s Oceans. That is 25 tons of Gold for Every cubic mile of Seawater….

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