Age Written on Stones – Deep Meaning Story for Spiritual Growth

Age Written on Stones - Deep Meaning Story for Spiritual Growth

Once a man went to a village.  After entering village, On his way, he saw a cremation ground. There he saw stones with people name and age written on them. When he read them, he found that age of people who died was written on stones in the cremation ground as 5 years, 8, years, … Read more

Why Not to Condemn Others? King and Sin Story

Why Not to Condemn Others King and Sin Story

Once upon a time, there was a King who decided that he would feed kheer (milk pudding) to 100 blind people every day. But one day a snake entered royal kitchen and put its mouth in the milk containing kheer and poisoned it. That day, all blind people who ate that kheer died. When King … Read more

Man Walking on Rope – Story about Faith in God

Man Walking on Rope - Story about Faith in God

Once a man was walking on a rope holding a long bamboo stick. He had his son sitting on shoulder while doing this. Hundreds of people were watching this with bated breath. Man was carefully taking steps, battling strong winds, risking his life and his son’s life. When man walked over the rope and reached … Read more

Princess and Monk Difference in Thinking! Story abt Renunciation

Princess and Monk Difference in Thinking! Story about Renunciation

Long ago, there was a girl who despite being born in King’s family, had feelings of renunciation. When the princess got at age of getting married, King was not able to find a suitable groom for her marriage. Understanding the feelings of his daughter, the King, after much thought, got her married to a poor … Read more

Sparrow Advice to Monkey – Story about Giving Advice

Sparrow Advice to Monkey - Story about Giving Advice

A pair of sparrow made a nest on the branch of a big dense tree in forest. For years, they were living happily there. On a day of cold weather, when pair of sparrow was resting in their nest, strong cold wind was blowing and suddenly it started raining heavily. In such situation, a monkey … Read more

Grandfather Lesson for Kids – Story about Change

Grandfather Lesson for Kids - Story about Change

Seeing grandfather sitting alone and sad, his grand kids asked, “What happened? What are you thinking about? Why you look so sad?” Grandpa relied, “Nothing wrong, I was just thinking about life.” “Please tell us about it.”, insisted kids. Grandpa kept thinking for sometime and then said, “When i was young, there was no responsibility … Read more

How to Attain Self Realization? Guru Answer

How to Attain Self Realization? Guru Answer

It was early in the morning. In the Gurukul, Guru ji was teaching his disciples about “Soul”. Explaining about the soul, Guru Ji explained a verse from Bhagavad Gita: No weapon can pierce the soul, no fire can burn it, no water can melt it and no wind can dry it. This soul can never … Read more

King and Beggar Story about Giving

King and Beggar Story about Giving

A beggar woke up early to go out to beg. Before going out, he put a hand full of barley in his bag because of superstition that beggar should not keep their bags empty while going out to beg. Beggar got out of his hut thinking that, with God grace, today his bag will be … Read more

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