Reflection of Oneself! Father Lesson to his Son

Reflection of Oneself! Father Lesson to his Son

Once a Political leader heard about a saint. So he decided to visit him once to see why people praise him so much. When he went to that ashram, he saw that there was a small room where carpet was spread and some people were sitting there on carpet. Saint was sitting in front. People … Read more

Disciple Question to Saint – How You Remain Calm All the Time?

Disciple Question to Saint - How You Remain Calm All the Time

Once upon a time, a saint was sitting in his ashram. He had a disciple who used to get angry at little things. One day disciple came to him and said, “Guru ji, you meet everyone with love neither do you get angry at anyone, how? Please tell me what is secret to this?” Saint … Read more

Who Will Eat Bread Among Three? Guru Ji Instruction

Who Will Eat Bread Among Three Guru Ji Instruction

Three person were returning after receiving initiation from their Guru. Their Guru ji had taught them to have practical along with spiritual knowledge. On their way, they were discussing various scriptures and puranas. After walking for long time, they stopped at place for rest. When they stopped for rest, they opened their bag for food … Read more

Young Man Journey to Meet Sage – Problems of Others

Young Man Journey to Meet Sage - Problems of Others

Long ago, in a village lived a mother and son who were very poor. One day, mother got to know about a Sage who was very accomplished and person of great knowledge who lived far away in a forest. Mother asked his son to go to Sage and ask him, “When will these days of … Read more

King and Brahmin Story – Get Closer to God

King and Brahmin Story - Get Closer to God

A poor Brahmin saved some money for his daughter’s marriage. He went to a Seth and kept it with him, in trust, without any written document about it. After some years, when his daughter became eligible for marriage, Brahmin went back to Seth (money lender) to collect his money back. But Seth refused to recognize … Read more

Disciple Question – What is this World in Your Eyes?

Disciple Question - What is this World in Your Eyes

One day a disciple asked his Guru, “Gurudev, What is this world in your eyes?” To answer this, His Guru narrated a story. Once in a city, there was a glass palace. In that palace there were hundreds of mirrors fixed on every wall. One day, an angry dog entered that palace. Inside, he saw … Read more

Old Man With Three Bundles and Young Man Story

Old Man With Three Bundles and Young Man Story

Long time ago, in a kingdom, after wandering here and there in search of work, a young man was returning home disappointed, when a voice came from behind, “Can i find any laborer here?” Young man looked back and saw an old man standing there carrying three bundles. Young man replied, “Yes! I will do … Read more

King Anger and Parrot Story! Why to Control Your Anger

King Anger and Parrot Story! Why to Control Your Anger

Once a king got lost in a dense forest and starting feeling thirsty. He had no water with him. Despite searching around, he couldn’t find water anywhere. His throat was getting dry, just then his eyes fell in a tree. From branch of that tree small drops of water were falling. King went near tree … Read more

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