Young Man Wish to Meet King – Deep Meaning

Young Man Wish to Meet King!

Once son of a poor widow, saw King. Seeing the King, he asked his mother, “Mother will i ever be able to talk to King?” Mother didn’t say anything. One day, boy came to know that a saint had come to their village. So young man went to saint and told him about his wish … Read more

Swami Ji Advice to Man – Way to Find Peace in Life

Swami Ji Advice to Man - Way to Find Peace in Life

One day a man came to Swami Vivekananda and said, “Swami ji, i have specially come to this village to meet you. I have given up everything but still i cannot find peace. My mind wanders and i am not able to concentrate on my work. I went to many gurus but didn’t get any … Read more

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