How Shifting Perspectives Can End Worries – Father Son Story

How Shifting Perspectives Can End Worries - Father Son Story

There was a man who had been under stress for quite some time, which had made him irritable and easily angered. He was constantly bothered by thoughts that he had to bear all the expenses of the house, that the entire responsibility of his family rested on him, that there was always some relative coming … Read more

Monk Offer to King – Change in Thinking

Monk Offer to King - Change in Thinking

A King used to rule in a kingdom and there was no shortage of money and grain in his kingdom. His subjects used to live happily under his rule. One year, there was a severe famine in his kingdom. Crops dried up and because of which farmers couldn’t pay taxes. Due to this, there was … Read more

Merchant vs Monk Thinking – Story about Worrying

Merchant vs Monk Thinking - Story about Worrying

Once in a village, lived a merchant who used to work very hard. One day, he called his accountant and said, “Find out how much money i have and for how long it will be enough?” After a few days, accountant came with calculations and said to merchant, “According to your expenditures done in present, … Read more