Murli Mountaineering with his Friends – Little More Effort

Murli Mountaineering with his Friends - Little More Effort

Every year during summer holidays, Murli used to go for mountaineering with his friends. This year also he made plans with his friends. On reaching place, guide took them to a famous mountaineering spot. On reaching there Murli and his friends found that place was crowded which they didn’t expect. A friend said, “There is … Read more

Sheep and Wolf Story for Adults – Facing your Fear

Sheep and Wolf Story for Adults - Facing your Fear

Once there was shepherd who had 15 sheep. He would take them to grounds daily, for grazing and then in evening would bring back to their fence which was enclosed by barbed wire and would lock the fence entry from outside. Everything was going okay until one morning when shepherd was taking sheep out for … Read more

Poor Father and Daughter – Heart Touching Story

Poor Father and Daughter - Heart Touching Story

Once a man from village wearing old dirty clothes arrived at a large hotel with his 16 years old daughter. Seeing both of them sitting, waiter placed two glasses of water in front of them and asked, “What should i bring for you?” Man said, “I promised my daughter that if she come first in … Read more

Caravan Lost in Desert..!

Caravan Lost in Desert Story Moral - Never Give up Encouraging Story

Once upon a time, a caravan of tradesman was going to another country to sell goods. Along the way they came to edge of a severe hot sand desert. Before coming to that desert, they got to know that during day sun heats up the fine sand so much that no one can walk on … Read more

Zen Master Bankei Yotaku Story

Zen Masters Stories - Bankei Yotaku Stories Compassion and Forgiveness

When Bankei held his seclusion-weeks of meditation, pupils from many parts of Japan came to attend. Once during such gathering, a man was caught stealing. Whole incident was reported to Bankei. After hearing the case Bankei didn’t took any action and ignored the incident. Just after one day of previous theft same man was caught … Read more

Encouraging Others – Battle Story

Stories about Encouraging Others - Destiny Short Moral Inspirational Story

Once upon a time, A battle was going on in Japan. One army was greatly outnumbered by army men of enemy. General of army with small number of soldier was confident that they could win that battle and decided to launch an attack. He called upon his lieutenant and asked him to prepare soldiers for … Read more

Story for Difficult Times – Getting Past Storm..!

Moral Story on Endurance - Philosophy Short Story Enduring Difficult Time

Once a young lady was driving a car along side with her father seated on passenger seat.. Just after few miles they came upon a storm. Girl asked her father, “What should i do father??” Father replied, “Keep driving..” Just after few meters she saw that other cars started to pull aside as storm was … Read more

Thomas Edison’s Inspiring Short Stories..!!

Short Stories on Confidence - Thomas Alva Edison Life Story Inspirational

Story 1: Fear of Losing Confidence.!! When Thomas Alva Edison successfully invented light bulb all this assistants were happy. As he had experimented around 1000 times before getting success in his attempt to invent light bulb. Edison called office boy and asked him to test that bulb. Being just a office boy, he was very … Read more

Power of Words – Frogs in Pit..!

Stories on Power of Words - Inspirational Stories to Encourage Others

Once a group of frogs was traveling through woods and two of them fell into a deep pit. All other frogs gathered around and when they saw that the pit was too deep. they told those two frogs that they were as good as dead because they couldn’t get their way out of that deep … Read more

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