Slave of Slave – Alexander and Indian Saint Story

Slave of Slave - Alexander and Indian Saint Story

After Alexander established his empire in Greece, Egypt and North India, his army was tired after years of fighting and wanted to return home. So, Alexander decided to return from India. But before leaving he wanted to take with him a knowledgeable person from India. He came to know about a Saint who lived near … Read more

Sant Malukdas Story – From an Atheist to a Devotee (Must Read)

Sant Malukdas Story - From an Atheist to a Devotee

In old times, lived a Saint Malukdas, who was a karmayogi and had gained immensed knowledge from self study, Satsang and traveling. In the beginning, Saint Malukdas was an atheist. Once, a Sadhu came to his village and stayed. Sadhu used to recite Ramayana to people, every morning and evening. Villagers would visit him and … Read more

Value of Glass of Water – Alexander and Saint Story

Value of Glass of Water - Alexander and Saint Story

When Alexander returned to India, he went to meet a Saint, seeing Alexander coming to him, Saint started laughing. Alexander felt insulted. He said to Saint angrily, “Either you don’t know me or your death had come.. Don’t you know who i am? I am great Alexander..” Saint started laughing even louder. He said to … Read more

Religious Man Teaching and His Parrot Story

Religious Man Teaching and His Parrot Story

A gentleman who was very religious, had kept a parrot at his home. He used to love him a lot and took good care of that parrot. One day, while man was at distance from parrot, suddenly a cat came and pounced on that parrot and killed it right there. Man saw that but couldn’t … Read more

Incident between Indian Man and Britishers on Train

Incident between Indian Man and Britishers on Train

A train was running at high speed. In a compartment, an Indian man was also sitting with the Britishers. All Britishers were making fun of that Indian man. Some were laughing at him seeing his dress and calling him coward, while some were getting angry and shouting, cursing at the management that why an Indian … Read more

Boy’s Prank and Weaver Response – Moral Lesson for Kids

Boy's Prank and Weaver Response - Moral Lesson for Kids

Long ago, In India, in a village lived a weaver who was very calm, humble and loyal by nature. People around knew that he never get angry. So, one day some boys from neighborhood thought to prank weaver to make him angry. They all reached at weaver shop. Among kids, there was one kid who … Read more

Be Proud of Who You Are

Madan Mohan Malviya Story - Be Proud of Who You Are Inspirational Stories Indian

Once Vice chancellor of Calcutta university sent a letter to Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya in appreciation of his work. When Malviya ji received that letter, he was with a friend. After reading letter Malviya ji said, “This is an awful proposal. What shall I tell? What shall I write?” On seeing his reaction, his friend … Read more

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