Divorce Lawyer and Husband Conversation..!

Divorce LawyeAr and Husband Conversation

“How many days will it is take? It been a year now..”, in some angry tone, Mohan spoke to his lawyer. Lawyer replied, “Mr. Mohan, such case take time. You are not even ready to follow my instruction anyway.. or else you and your wife Sudha would have got divorce in a jiffy.” Mohan asked, … Read more

Two Diaries – Husband Wife Heart Touching Story

Two Diaries - Husband Wife Heart Touching Story

On the eve of wedding anniversary, husband and wife were sitting together drinking tea and talking. They were a perfect couple in the eyes of world. There was a lot of love between them but with time, it seemed that complaints were increasing between them. While talking, wife made a proposal, “I have a lot … Read more

Saint Kabir Advice – Story about Fights in Married Life

Saint Kabir Advice - Story about Fights in Married Life

Reason for Fights in Married Life and It’s Solution Everyday people from far off places used to come to listen satsang done by Saint Kabir. One day after satsang was over, a man kept sitting. When everyone left. He went to Saint Kabir and said, “I have to ask you something. I am a householder … Read more

Husband Wife Fight – Relationship Story..!

Fight Between Husband Wife -Relationship Story with Moral Lesson

Once in a city, lived a couple who had constant quarrels. In their neighbor lived another couple who lived quietly and happily. Couple would feel jealous of their neighbors because of nice calm atmosphere of their home. One day, wife told her husband, “Go to neighbors and look what they are doing? Find out reason … Read more

Three Old Man – Story about Love

Story about Love - Three Old Man n Couples Choice Story wid Life Lesson

Once in a village, a woman saw three old man sitting outside her house. They were sitting there for quiet a while. Woman went outside and said, “I saw that you are sitting here for long, you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat.” Men asked, “Is man of the house … Read more

Perfect Happiness – Couple Story

Couple Story - Searching for Perfectly Happy Couple Interesting Story

Once a young couple lived in city. They were living a happy life together but they would still worry about if their happiness would last forever. One day, they heard that an old man had come to town who could solve all kind of problems. So couple decided to visit wise old man and told … Read more

Husband’s Love for Wife..!! (Must Read)

Once in a city, lived a man who was married to a very beautiful girl. Everyone in city would compliment him about his wife’s beauty. Seeing this wife felt proud and happy. Both started to live a happy married life. After some years, Wife got infected with a rare skin diseases. They consulted every doctor … Read more

Husband Wife Emotional Story!! Must Read!!

Best Story for Relationship - Husband Wife Emotional Story

It was anniversary and Ria (Wife) was waiting for her husband to show up. After some years of marriage things changed between them. Once cute couple who couldn’t live without each other now had turned bit bitter. They were now fighting over every little things, both didn’t like changes came ito their marriage. Wife was … Read more

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