Three Thugs Trick on Pandit – Goat or Dog!

Three Thugs Trick on Pandit - Goat or Dog!

Once a Pandit went to a rich man house to perform religious rituals. After rituals were over, host gifted him a goat. While leaving for his home, Pandit picked up that goat and carried on his shoulders. When Pandit was going on his way to home, three thugs saw him with goat and started planning … Read more

Disciple Challenge to Old Swordsman!!

Disciple Challenge to Old Swordsman!!

Once in a Kingdom, lived a great swordsman. There was not other swordsman like him in that whole kingdom. With his swordsmanship, many times he had helped King of his kingdom to win wars. That’s why everyone in kingdom respected him a lot. Swordsman grew old with passage of time and didn’t want his art … Read more

Old Woman Problem and Wise Minister Solution

The Verdict - Old Woman Problem and Wise Minister Solution Story

Once four friends were passing by forest where they found a vessel filled with money. Seeing that, they decided to go to town and start a business with that money. Three of them liked suggestion, however fourth one didn’t like idea. Still he decided to stay quiet and planned to steal money, they found. Four … Read more

Two Friends and Talking Tree – Panchtantra Story about Trickery

Two Friends and Talking Tree - Panchtantra Story

Long ago, in a village lived two friends, Dharmbuddhi and Paapbuddhi. One day, Paapbuddhi thought, “I should persuade Dharma to take me to far off land and earn lost of money through his business skills.” With plan in mind, he went to Dharma and said, “My friend, We are getting older. If we keep on … Read more

Rich Man and Clever Peasant Story

Rich Man and Clever Peasant Story - Folktales Short Stories

Once upon a time, lived a very Rich man who was arrogant and greedy. He owned fields, farms and meadows. Hundred of workers worked for him and were dependent on him for living. Rich man was so arrogant man that he felt disgust with peasants and other people who worked for him because of their … Read more

Clever Camel and Fox Story

Clever Camel and Fox Story - Fox Trickery Story with Advice for Kids

Once a fox used to live near a garden, from there he would eat his fill and return. One day, gardener found out about him and patched the hole from which fox used to come inside garden. Fox was not able to find any way to get back into garden and grew hungrier, with each … Read more

Crab and Crane Story

Crane and Crab Story with Moral in English - Story of Trickery n Deception

Once upon a time, lived an old crane near a small pond which was full of small fishes. Crane was in habit of picking fishes with his beak and eat them. With age it was becoming difficult for him to catch fishes. Due to drought, water level in pond became lower and still it wasn’t … Read more

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