Young Man Question – Does Attending Satsang Bring Change?

Young Man Question - Does Attending Satsang Bring Change

Every evening, there was a crowd of devotees in the ashram of saint because his discourse (satsang) gave the right direction and understanding of life. A young man used to listen to his satsang everyday. One day when satsang was over, he went to saint and said, “Maharaj! I have been listening to your Satsang … Read more

Deaf Old Man Attending Satsang – Learning for Life

Deaf Old Man Attending Satsang - Learning for Life

Once an old man used to come to Satsang to listen to saint’s discourse. Man who also used to come to Satsang, noticed that old man. Man came to know that old man was deaf and thought, “If he is deaf, he cannot hear the discourse and if he cannot listen to story, then he … Read more

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