Stop Flow of Thoughts! Man n Sadhu Story

Stop Flow of Thoughts! Man n Sadhu Story

Once a man went to his Guru and said, “Guru ji, flow of my thoughts is bothering me a lot. Please help me.” Guru gave him address of another Sadhu and said, “Go and look carefully at his overall life-style. There you will find solution to your problem.” Man went to Sadhu house and told … Read more

Sage Lesson to Rich Man Story (Must Read)

Sage Lesson to Rich Man Story (Must Read)

Once lived a rich man, who had lots of property, a huge mansion and servants still there was no peace of mind. One day someone told him that a Sage lives in nearby area. He told him that, Sage have such power that, if people go to him, by his power he would give people … Read more

Sadhu Holding onto Tree – Story about Bad Habit

Sadhu Holding on Tree - Story about Bad Habit

A man had habit of drinking alcohol everyday. His family used to be very upset by this habit of his. They tried many times to convince him to stop drinking and man tried to stop drinking but still failed every time. Now, whenever anyone tried to convince him to stop drinking, he would say, “I … Read more

How a Robber Became a Sadhu – Deep Meaning

King's offer and Thief Heart Change - Deep Meaning

Once there was a thief who heard that King has made announcement and invited all Sanyasi, sadhu from his kingdom, to his palace for a meeting. Thief thought, “May be King will be giving alms to those Sanyasi and Sadhu. If i go there, i can rob others when they leave palace.” On decided day, … Read more

Desire to Eat Dates – Sadhu Thoughts

Desire to Eat Dates - Sadhu Hard Work and Thoughts

Once upon a time, a Sadhu (Indian Monk) used to live in a hut outside village. One day while passing through market, he saw many basket and among them was basket of dates. Seeing those dates, desire to eat them arose in Sadhu’s mind. He had no money to buy them, so he controlled his … Read more

Virtuous Man and Sage Story – Way to Help Others

Virtuous Man and Sage Story - Ways to Help Others

Once upon a time, a very virtuous person along with his family went for a pilgrimage. After going several miles, whole family started feeling thirsty. Water that man was carrying with him had run out. It was month of June and there was no water to be seen anywhere and his child started getting dehydrated. … Read more

King and Sadhu Story – Search for Happiest Person.!

King's and Sadhu Story - Search for Happiest Person

Once upon a time, There was a King who was very Kind and generous. King had everything and people in his Kingdom were happy but still King would feel unhappy and sad every time. His ministers always tried on or other ways to make King happy but none of them succeeded. King didn’t understand what … Read more

Poor Farmer Loss – Never too Late to Start

Poor Farmer Loss - Never too Late to Start Motivational Story

Once upon a time, a King went for hunting but it got late. While returning back, because of dark he was unable to find his way. He forgot his way and at last he found a small hut. King went and knocked on door and asked for shelter. That hut belonged to a poor farmer. … Read more

Hunter and Sage Story

Hunter and Sage Story - Aways Speak Truth Life Lesson

Once upon a time, a sage was living in forest. He was famous for strictly following his policy of always speaking truth. One day, Sage was teaching his disciples about importance of truth. He said, “We should always tell truth, no matter how difficult situation is.” Suddenly a deer came running towards him. Deer bowed … Read more

Lazy Prince Story – Health is Wealth

King and Sadhu Solution for Lazy Prince Story - Health is Wealth

Once upon a time, there was King who was very wise and kind. He had son who was very lazy and didn’t like to do anything. Even for little things Prince would wait for his attendants to serve him every moment. All day, he would lie on his bed and because of his laziness, he … Read more

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