How to be at Peace? Seth and His Friend Conversation

How to be at Peace Seth and His Friend Conversation

There was a very Seth (rich man). One day he was sitting with his friends, when a maid came running to him and said, “Seth ji, your wife’s necklace worth nine lakh rupees is lost.” Seth replied, “It’s good.” Friend who was sitting with him thought, “What a careless man he is.” An hour passed, … Read more

Two Paintings Depicting Peace!

Two Paintings Depicting Peace! Life Lesson

Once there was King who was very fond of paintings. So, one day he made an announcement in his kingdom that – Any painter who would make and bring painting that depicts peace best way, will be rewarded. On decided day, many painters reached King’s palace with their paintings. King looked at all the paintings … Read more

Restless Mind – Master and Disciple Conversation

Restless Mind - Master and Disciple Conversation

On a cold day, Master and his disciple were strolling on the beach by ocean, where wind was blowing strongly over the ocean and high waves were rising. After walking for sometime, Master stopped and looked at his disciple and asked, “What does this ocean reminds you off?” Disciple answered, “It reminds me of my … Read more

Want to be Rich – Poor Man Request to Guru

Want to be Rich - Poor Man Request to Guru

Once there was a poor man. He used to go his Guru’s ashram everyday and used to serve his Guru by doing cleaning work at ashram. After that man would go to his work. One day, Guru asked him, “Why do you come to ashram everyday?” Poor man replied, “If you bless me then a … Read more

Stop Flow of Thoughts! Man n Sadhu Story

Stop Flow of Thoughts! Man n Sadhu Story

Once a man went to his Guru and said, “Guru ji, flow of my thoughts is bothering me a lot. Please help me.” Guru gave him address of another Sadhu and said, “Go and look carefully at his overall life-style. There you will find solution to your problem.” Man went to Sadhu house and told … Read more

Sage Lesson to Rich Man Story (Must Read)

Sage Lesson to Rich Man Story (Must Read)

Once lived a rich man, who had lots of property, a huge mansion and servants still there was no peace of mind. One day someone told him that a Sage lives in nearby area. He told him that, Sage have such power that, if people go to him, by his power he would give people … Read more

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