What’s Currency for Heaven? (Must Read)

What's Currency for Heaven? (Must Read)

Once a man worked hard all his life and by the time he reached age of 50, he had opened many companies and became one of the biggest industrialist of the city. One day, while traveling in his car, his driver played a satsang audio. In satsang, Saint said – No matter how much you … Read more

Bag of Gold n Two Friends – Greed Story

Bag of Gold n Two Friends - Greed Story

Once two friends used to live in a village. They used to play, study, do everything together since childhood. When they grew up they decided to leave their village and go to city to find job. It would take few days to reach city, so they packed necessary things, food and drinks from their house … Read more

King and Farmer Story – Use of Money Earned

King and Farmer Story - Use of Money Earned

One day King went on a tour of his kingdom in disguise. While roaming around, he passed near a farm field, there he saw a farmer who was wearing torn clothes and was eating food sitting under shade of a tree. Seeing clothes of farmer, King thought, “I should give some gold coins to farmer … Read more

Money Equal Happiness? Reality of Life

Money Equal Happiness? Reality of Life

Once a beggar went to a farmer’s house to beg for food. While waiting for alms, beggar saw that when farmer came home, farmer’s wife washed his hands and feet, his children came to him and hugged him.. After this farmer sat down to eat food. Meanwhile, farmer’s wife came out and gave some bread … Read more

Rich Man Gift to Cobbler – Story about Money

Rich Man Gift to Cobbler - Story about Money

Once in a village lived a rich man. Near his house was a small shop of a poor cobbler. That cobbler had special habit that whenever he worked, stitched the shoes, he kept on humming the hymns of God. Once rich man got sick. He consulted many doctors but there was no improvement in his … Read more

Man and His Two Son Problem – Spending Money

Man and His Two Son Problem - Spending Money

A man had two sons. Nature of both sons was opposite to each other. One was very stingy about spending money and other used to overspend. Father was upset because of both. He told them many times to spend money in moderation but still they couldn’t understand. One day man came to know that a … Read more

King Who Loved Only Money – When One Dies!

King Who Loved Only Money - When One Dies!

Once there was King who was very cruel and has collected a lot of wealth by wrong means and imposing unnecessary taxes on his people. King had hidden his treasure in a cave which was deep inside forest, in a secluded place. At the entry of cave there was a lock system. Only King and … Read more

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