Murli Mountaineering with his Friends – Little More Effort

Murli Mountaineering with his Friends - Little More Effort

Every year during summer holidays, Murli used to go for mountaineering with his friends. This year also he made plans with his friends. On reaching place, guide took them to a famous mountaineering spot. On reaching there Murli and his friends found that place was crowded which they didn’t expect. A friend said, “There is … Read more

Two Thirsty Travelers and Well Story

Two Thirsty Travelers and Well Story

Once a master had a disciple. After sometime, another disciple joined. Other disciple learned much more than first disciple in little time. First disciple noticed that and felt neglected. One day first disciple went to his master and said, “I have been studying with you since before that boy came and still you taught him … Read more

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