Rich Man Offering to Saint – Heart Warming Story

Rich Man Offering to Saint - Heart Warming Story

Once in a village, lived a saint in his ashram with his disciples. Many people used to come to him to listen to his satsang. Once a Rich man went to Saint and said, “Guru ji, Please accept my service. Here are thousand gold coins, may they all be of use to you.” As soon … Read more

King and Brahmin Story – Get Closer to God

King and Brahmin Story - Get Closer to God

A poor Brahmin saved some money for his daughter’s marriage. He went to a Seth and kept it with him, in trust, without any written document about it. After some years, when his daughter became eligible for marriage, Brahmin went back to Seth (money lender) to collect his money back. But Seth refused to recognize … Read more

Holding Lamp in Hands – Saint and King Story

Holding Lamp in Hands - Saint and King Story

There was a very religious and knowledgeable King in Mithila. One day, a saint came to meet him. King welcomed and respected saint wholeheartedly and asked the reason for coming to the court. Saint said, “Rajan, i have heard that despite living in palace amidst so much grandeur, you remain aloof from them. I did … Read more

King Offer to his People – Story for Spiritual Motivation

King Offer to People - Story for Spiritual Motivation

Once a King made an announcement in his kingdom that – Tomorrow morning, main door of my palace will be opened for everyone in kingdom. Tomorrow whatever person touches, that thing will become his. Hearing this announcement, everyone started talking among themselves that – I will touch the most precious thing. Some said – I … Read more

Lady Kept Sadhu Waiting for Alms.. Why? Deep Meaning

Lady Kept Sadhu Waiting for Alms.. Why Deep Meaning

Once a Sadhu was standing outside a Seth (rich man) house, singing bhajan (hymns in praise of God) and asking for food. Sethani (Seth wife) went inside kitchen and bought food for him yet she had been telling Sadhu for a long time that she was coming. Sadhu was singing bhajan while waiting. Seth was … Read more

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