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Worse than a Clown Monks Story ZenStories Enlightenment

Two Monks Conversation!!

Story 1. Once two monks were traveling. They were going to another monastery. Due to their rules they were not even allowed to look at women. After walking for long they reached a river which they had to cross. The flow of river was so flooded that they couldn’t get across it without getting wet….

Fisherman and Tourist - Short Stories About Money and Happiness

Fisherman and Tourist.. Must Read!!

Once in a village a tourist met a fisherman on the coast. Fisherman was going home with catch he did for the day in the way tourist stopped him started talking to him. Tourist: How long it took you to catch such type of fish? Fisherman: Not very long. Tourist: Then why didn’t you stayed…

Overcoming Desires - Inspiring Spiritual Moral Stories to Learn

Overcoming Desires – Saint Wish

Once there was a man who had desires larger than life. He tried everything to earn money and fulfill his desires but didn’t succeed. One day he came attended a satsang and following it be followed the path of saint. Now he became saint and his longing for anything weren’t there anymore. He used to…

Divinity Lies Within Us - Spiritual Short Stories with Morals Eng

Where Does Divinity Lie?

According to an old Hindu Legend, Long before there was a time when all beings on earth were GODS but they started to wrongly use their divinity. So, Brahma (the Creator) decided to take away divinity from all beings and decided to hide it somewhere they could never find it. So Brahma called council of…

Spiritual Inspirational Short Stories - Best Stories for Life

Divinity Lies Within Us..!!

According to Hindi Legend, Once there was time when every human being were GOD but they abused their divinity. So, one day Brahma(Creator) decided to take back divinity from Humans and decided to Hide it some place where humans could never find it. To do this Brahma called meeting of all Gods to decide about…

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