King Question to Kid Playing with Clay Toys

King Question to Kid Playing with Clay Toys

Once a King went to visit the city. On way, he saw a small child whispering something into the ears of clay toys and then breaking them and mixing them with the rest of soil. King asked in surprised, “What are you doing?” Kid replied, “I ask clay toys, have you ever chanted name of … Read more

Having True Faith in God! Narad Ji and Two Devotees Story

Having True Faith in God! Narad Ji and Two Devotees Story

Once Narad ji came to earth, while roaming around he meet two devotees, one was scholar who had knowledge about God and other was cobbler. When Narad ji reached Vaikuntha, curious he asked about time of those two to return to God head. God said, “Cobbler will come to me after this birth only but … Read more

What is Beyond Wealth? Woodcutter and Fakir Story

What is Beyond Wealth Woodcutter and Fakir Story

A fakir used to meditate under a tree near forest. There he used to see a woodcutter everyday. Woodcutter looked weak and poor. So, one day, he called woodcutter and asked him, “Brother, you cut wood all day. Are you able to earn enough?” Woodcutter sadly replied, “I can’t even manage to get two meals … Read more

Two Boats and Temple on Other Side – Guru Disciple Story

Two Boats and Temple on Other Side - Guru Disciple Story

Once a Guru was telling his disciple a story. Story: There were a village on one side of river and a great and huge temple on other side of river. One day two friends Manu and Raja decided to visit temple. One of those friend Raja was very arrogant and other one Manu was humble … Read more

Child Want to Fit Ocean in a Cup! Deep Meaning Story

Child Want to Fit Ocean in a Cup! Deep Meaning Story

A saint was strolling on the beach. Seeing a child crying on sea shore, saint went near that child and lovingly asked him, “Son, why are you crying?” Showing a cup in his hand, boy said, “I want to fill the ocean in this cup in my hand but it doesn’t fit in my cup.” … Read more

Holding Lamp in Hands – Saint and King Story

Holding Lamp in Hands - Saint and King Story

There was a very religious and knowledgeable King in Mithila. One day, a saint came to meet him. King welcomed and respected saint wholeheartedly and asked the reason for coming to the court. Saint said, “Rajan, i have heard that despite living in palace amidst so much grandeur, you remain aloof from them. I did … Read more

Ask God for Once! Draupadi Request to Yudhishthir

Ask God for Once! Draupadi Request to Yudhishthir

In Mahabharat, When Pandavas were living in exile. One day, Yudhishthir was sitting in solitude and enjoying nature. During this, he closed his eyes and sat in meditation. Just then Draupadi also reached there. When Yudhisthir’s meditation was complete, he looked very happy. Seeing this, Draupadi said, “You have so much faith in God. You … Read more

King Offer to his People – Story for Spiritual Motivation

King Offer to People - Story for Spiritual Motivation

Once a King made an announcement in his kingdom that – Tomorrow morning, main door of my palace will be opened for everyone in kingdom. Tomorrow whatever person touches, that thing will become his. Hearing this announcement, everyone started talking among themselves that – I will touch the most precious thing. Some said – I … Read more

Reason for Man Happiness! Deep Meaning Saint Story

Reason for Man Happiness! Deep Meaning Saint Story

Once a Saint came to a city and would do Satsang everyday. Many people used to come to listen to him. One day, after Satsang was over, a man came with lots of sweets and started distributing it among people present there. Man was dancing in happiness and seeing this, people asked, “What happened? Why … Read more

How to Attain Self Realization? Guru Answer

How to Attain Self Realization? Guru Answer

It was early in the morning. In the Gurukul, Guru ji was teaching his disciples about “Soul”. Explaining about the soul, Guru Ji explained a verse from Bhagavad Gita: No weapon can pierce the soul, no fire can burn it, no water can melt it and no wind can dry it. This soul can never … Read more

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