Monk Meditation and Disturbance – Anger Story

Monk Meditation and Disturbance - Anger Story

Once a monk used lived in monastery with other monks. One day he decided to meditate alone away from his monastery. There was a lake near by where not many people would visit. He decided to go to that lake to meditate. When he reached lake, there was no one else. He took a boat … Read more

Two Words Rule at Monastery! A Complaining Mind

Two Words Rule at Monastery! Zen Story with Moral Lesson

Once there used to a monastery where rules were very strict. One rule was not to speak even a word. All monks in monastery adhered to this rule. Every one who joined monastery had taken up strict vow of silence. Though there was a rule to not speak a word, once monk completed one years … Read more

Two Monk and a Woman – Zen Teaching

Two Monk and Lady at River Bank - Zen Teaching Story

Once upon a time, two monks were traveling together. One their way to home, they came to bank of river and found that bridge was damaged. They had to wade (walk through) across the river. A pretty lady was standing on bank of river, She was also stuck there because of damaged bridge. She had … Read more

Short Zen Stories on Self Awareness

Zen Stories on Self Awareness - Zen Monk Bokuju Story abt Being Alert

Story 1: Anxiety Solution – Zen Master Bokuju Once lived a Zen master Bokuju. He used to live inside cave alone most of time. He would sometimes loudly say, “Bokuju” his own name and the himself would say, “Yes, I am here.” He would this anytime, day or night. There were some disciples who used … Read more

Zen Story – Archery Skill..!!

Zen Story on Ego - Zen Master and Young Man Archery Competition Story

Once an accomplished young archer got to know about a Zen master who was famous for his prowess in archery. Young archer was proud of his skills and went to Zen master and dared him to a test of their skills. On the day of test, both came on decided place. First was young man’s … Read more

Zen Teaching – Good Reflect Back..!!

Zen Teachings Stories - Always Think Good n Do Good Motivational Story

Once a grocer got distressed at his work. So he went to his master and told him about reason for his distress. He said to master, “A large chain store had opened across the way and it would drive me out of business. My family had been running this shop for centuries and i don’t … Read more

Sacred Wooden Beads..!

Interesting Short Stories for Adults - Different Perspective for Better Life Zen Stories

Once there was huge temple built in center of lake. There lived great master and 20 of his disciples who would learn Buddhism teaching’s. There was a precious string of wooden beads which was sacred and was enshrined in temple. As temple was in middle of lake it was connected to rest of world with … Read more

Zen Master Bankei Yotaku Story

Zen Masters Stories - Bankei Yotaku Stories Compassion and Forgiveness

When Bankei held his seclusion-weeks of meditation, pupils from many parts of Japan came to attend. Once during such gathering, a man was caught stealing. Whole incident was reported to Bankei. After hearing the case Bankei didn’t took any action and ignored the incident. Just after one day of previous theft same man was caught … Read more

Holy Man Advice – Life Lesson

The Holy Man Short Story - Judging Other on Basis of Their Appearance

Once people of a village came to know about a wise holy man who used to live in a small house on mountain top which was very difficult to reach to. Thinking of difficulty to reach there no one from village ever tried to visit him. One day, a man from village decided to take … Read more

Changing Appearance vs Inner Self..!!

Imitation Short Stories - Stories about Changing Appearance vs Inner self

A young disciple wanted to learn Wisdom so he went to Zen master and requested him to accept him as his disciple. Master accepted him. Young disciple used to admire his master a lot. So he decided to observe his behavior minutely and believed that if he did everything the way his teacher did then … Read more

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