Currently browsing:- Short Story with Twist:

Scary Stories for Adults - Think Before You Give Wrong Suggestion Disturbing Story

Scary Story – Wrong Suggestion..!

Once in a town lived a man and his wife. Man had really bad temper and used to beat his wife. Unfortunately one day even though he didn’t wanted to kill her, wife succumbed to his beating and died. When he realized what happened he became fearful of wife’s relatives and thought of consequences. Just…

Admission Conversation - Encouraging Principal and Kid Dialogue Interesting Story

Kid Admission Interview..!

Kid was bought to school to get admission in U.K.G. for interview as it was very difficult to get through admission in that school. Parents were really worried. Parents and kid entered principle office. Parents sat aside on sofa and kid was sitting in front of principal. Principal started to converse with kid.. here goes…..

Power of Wisdom Stories - Best King and Sage Fortune Telling Short Story

Power of Wisdom – King and Sage Story

Once there was very famous sage and used to live outside of Ramnagar of Manipur Kingdom. He was known for his fortune telling and everyone in kingdom knew about him and accuracy of his fortune telling skill. Maniraj was King of that Kingdom and heard words about saint and his skill. King wanted to greet…

Carpenter Short Story - Best Moral Short Stories about Working and Life

Retiring Carpenter Story..! Surprises in Life

Once there was a carpenter who was really good at his job. He used to work very hard and build beautiful house. With time he grown old and felt that his body was not that strong as it used to be. Also he earned enough money to live a peaceful and leisure life with his…

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