Shepherd Condition for Priest – Greed Story

Shepherd Condition for Priest - Greed Story

Once a question arose in court of Raja Bhoj – Which is such a well from which a man cannot get out after falling in? Many people gave different answer but none could satisfy King’s curiosity. In end, King told Raj pandit (Royal priest) to give answer for this question within seven days or else … Read more

Deal of Bird with Golden Feather!! Loss Due to Shortcut

Deal of Bird with Golden Feather!! Loss Due to Shortcut

Once in a forest lived a beautiful bird with golden wings. Her favorite food was the insects living on the trunk of trees. One day, while searching for food, she saw a man was walking fast through forest carrying a small wooden box. Bird was surprised to see man’s haste and stopped him and asked, … Read more

Blind Man With Lantern – Making Fun of Other!

Blind Man With Lantern - Making Fun of Other

Once in a village lived a blind man. Whenever he went out at night, he always kept a lit lantern with him. One night when he was returning home from his friend’s house. As usual he lit a lantern and started walking toward his house, holding that lantern in his hand. Just then some mischievous … Read more

Bothered by Servant Looks – King and Minister Story

Bothered by Servant Looks - King and Minister Story

Once a King needed a servant. next day, his minister presented a person who would be worthy to work for King. That man started to work as personal attendant of King. One day, King said to minister, “Although this man is good at his work but his appearance is not good.” Minister found his words … Read more

Helping Vegetable Seller – Mother Lesson for Son

Helping Vegetable Seller - Mother Lesson for Son

A young boy used to watch his mother buying vegetables from a lady vegetable seller, who used to come their door steps every day. One particular day, vegetable seller brought bundles of spinach, price 6rs/bundle. Young boy saw that his mother counter bid was exactly half of that amount. Her mother offered that she would … Read more

King and Two Parrots – Reason for Being Different

King and Two Parrots - Reason for Being Different

Once a King was going alone in the forest, riding on a horse. When he was passing by a hut, there he saw a parrot in the cage. On seeing King, parrot cried out, “Run.. Catch it.. Kill it… Snatch it’s horse… Take away his jewels.” King understood that he had come to bandit’s colony. … Read more

Shepherd Offer to Royal Priest – Greed Story

Shepherd Offer to Royal Priest - Greed Story

Once a King asked a question in his court, “Which is such a WELL from which a man cannot get out after falling?” No one in court could answer. In end King asked royal priest to answer this question with in seven days. Royal priest tired very hard but still he couldn’t think of any … Read more

Two Most Precious Diamonds – Merchant Story

Two Most Precious Diamonds - Merchant Story

A merchant was roaming in market, there he saw a fine breed of camel. Merchant wanted to buy it. So he went to owner of camel. After a long bargain with owner of camel, merchant was able to buy camel for good price and bought it home. On reaching home, merchant called his servant and … Read more

Basket of Feathers – Always Think Before You Speak

Basket of Feathers - Always Think Before You Speak

Once a farmer got in fight with his neighbor. During fight farmer got so angry that he said many bad and rude things to his neighbor. After some time, farmer realized his mistake and wanted to take his words back but didn’t know what to do. Just then he got to know that a saint … Read more

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