Father and Son Race to Hilltop – Pebbles in Shoes

Father and Son Race to Hilltop - Pebbles in Shoes

A ten-year-old boy used to go on walk with his father every day, on a nearby hill. One day boy said, “Dad, let’s have a race today, one who touches top of hill first, wins the race.” Father agreed. Both of them started running toward hilltop. After running for some time, father suddenly stopped. Boy … Read more

Who Knows If It’s a Misfortune Or a Blessing! Old Man Story

Who Knows If It's a Misfortune Or a Blessing! Old Man Story

Once, in a village lived an old man who was poor but had a very beautiful white horse. Old man was envied by many because of that horse. One day, King saw that horse and sent his minister to buy the horse. Minister came to old man’s house and offered a very good price for … Read more

How do I Get Rid of Sorrow? Disciple Question to His Guru

How do I Get Rid of Sorrow Disciple Question to His Guru

Once a disciple went to his Guru and said, “Please tell me some solution to get rid of sorrow.” The disciple had asked a big question in few words – Living in a world of sorrows but also finding a way to get rid of it! Guru said, “I will answer you but before that … Read more

Young Man Journey to Meet Sage – Problems of Others

Young Man Journey to Meet Sage - Problems of Others

Long ago, in a village lived a mother and son who were very poor. One day, mother got to know about a Sage who was very accomplished and person of great knowledge who lived far away in a forest. Mother asked his son to go to Sage and ask him, “When will these days of … Read more

What to do to Find Solution to a Problem? Buddha Story

What to do to Find Solution to Problem Buddha Story

Lord Buddha often imparted education to his disciples. One morning, many people came to listen to Buddha’s discourse. Today, Buddha had come with something in his hands. As disciples came closer and saw that he had a rope in his hand. Buddha came and sat at his place and then without saying anything, he started … Read more

How to be Successful? Grandfather Lesson to Boy

How to be Successful Grandfather Lesson to Boy

Once a child came to visit his grandfather during his summer holidays. He used to play with his grandpa all the time. One day he said to his grandpa, “When i grow up, i want to become a successful man. Can you tell me some ways to be successful?” Grandfather nodded in yes and took … Read more

Camels in Saint Convoy – Problems in Life

Camels in Saint Convoy - Problems in Life

Once in a city, lived a man who was not happy with his life. He was always troubled by one or other problem. One day, a Saint convoy stopped at some distance from city. People got to know about him and started reaching him with their problems. Man also decided to visit Saint. Even after … Read more

Problems Written on Paper – Scholar Solution

Problems Written on Paper - Scholar Solution

Long ago, a very learned Scholar came to Himalaya to live a secluded life devoted to God only. But because of his fame, people starting coming to Himalaya’s looking for him, so that they can get solutions to their problems. Despite the difficult path one had to walk to reach Scholar’s place, with time more … Read more

Blacksmith and Chain Story – Deep Meaning

Blacksmith and Chain Story - Deep Meaning

In Rome, lived a blacksmith who was famous all over world for his unmatched skills. Whatever he made, was unbreakable. Therefore, goods made in that blacksmith’s shop were respected all over world and were sold in distant market. One time, Rome was attacked and lost the war. Many main dignitaries who were in Rome were … Read more

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