Villagers Comment on Woman’s Character – Monk Reply

Villagers Comment on Woman's Character - Monk Reply

Once a monk visited a village. Many people visited him. Among many villagers was one woman who was despised by others. After talking for a while, woman invited him to her house for dinner. Monk humbly accepted the invitation and started following her. On way, when people saw that monk was going with that woman, … Read more

Guru Gift to Disciple – Magic Mirror Story

Guru Gift to Disciple - Magic Mirror Story

Once Guru of a gurukul was greatly impressed by service of his disciple. After completion of education, when disciple was about to leave, his Guru gave him a mirror as blessing. It was not any ordinary mirror. It was a magic mirror which had ability to show true thoughts of any person’s mind and heart. … Read more

Father Reply to Complain..! Change in Thinking

Father Reply to Complain..! Change in Thinking

In train, two kids were playing, jumping on seats, running here and disturbing all other passengers in compartment of train. Their father was sitting near by lost in some thoughts. In between, children would look at their father, he would respond with smile and then again kids would get busy with their mischief. Passengers of … Read more

Son Question/ Sparrow Request – Very Short Stories

Little Kid Question to Father - What is Size of God

Story 1: Little Kid Question to Father! Once a little boy asked his father: What is size of God?” His father looked up in the sky and seeing an airplane, he asked his son, “What’s size of that airplane?” Boy replied, “It is very small. I can barely see it.” After this, his father took … Read more

Sinful Man Deeds – Story about Judging Others

Sinful Man Deeds - Story about Judging Others

Once in a kingdom, it was habit of a King to disguise and make visits, to keep check on needs of his people. One day while he was out with his minister, he reached edge of city where he saw a man lying. King saw that many people passed by but no one came to … Read more

Incident between Indian Man and Britishers on Train

Incident between Indian Man and Britishers on Train

A train was running at high speed. In a compartment, an Indian man was also sitting with the Britishers. All Britishers were making fun of that Indian man. Some were laughing at him seeing his dress and calling him coward, while some were getting angry and shouting, cursing at the management that why an Indian … Read more

Woodcutter and Eagle Story for Kids

Woodcutter and Eagle Story for Kids - Helping Other and Misunderstanding Moral

One day a woodcutter was passing through the forest. At one place, he saw an eagle trapper in a trap placed there by a hunter. Woodcutter felt pity toward that eagle. He checked around to see if hunter was near by and then seeing no one he ran toward trapped eagle and freed him from … Read more

Who is Good? Who is Bad?

Who is Good Who is Bad Stories for Adult

This story is from time of Mahabharata, When Guru Drona Acharya (Master) was teaching Pandavas and Kauravas. One day Acharya thought of testing his disciples. He called Duryodhana (Kaurava) and said, “Do one thing, go and search for a good man and bring him to me.” Duryodhana said, “Ok. I will leave right now and … Read more

Indian King Jai Singh and Rolls Royce Story

Indian King Jai Singh and Rolls Royce Famous Story abt Jugding Others

One day, during his visit to London, King Jai Singh was walking around Bond Street in casual dress. There he saw Rolls Royce showroom and went inside. There he looked at cars and then inquired about price and features of cars. When Salesman looked at him and saw his casual Indian Attire, he considered him … Read more

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