Bad Habit Short Story – Motivational

Bad Habits Short Story - Best Motivational Stories for Kids

An Old scholar got a request from a wealthy man to wean his son away from his bad habits. Scholar accepted man’s request and went to see his son. The scholar took boy for a stroll through garden. Suddenly scholar stopped and asked boy to pull out a tiny paint growing there. Obeying him boy … Read more

Two Friends Short Story

Two Friends Short Story - True Friendship Stories in English

Two men Sonu and Monu were on voyaging ship. The ship wrecked during a storm at sea. Somehow both men were able to swim to an deserted island. Both survivors were good friends, not knowing what else to do, they agreed to just pray to God and find out whose prayer was more powerful. For … Read more

Follow Your Dream..!!

Horse Ranch - Real Life Inspirational Stories of Success

It’s story of a young man name Monty who was a son of horse trainer who would go stables, race tracks, farms, training horses. As a result boy’s high school career was interrupted continuously. One day at this school he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be in his life … Read more

Old Man Answer to Man Riding Horse..!!

Man Riding Horse - A Good Short Story For Teenagers

A young man was riding on a horse with heavily loaded mangoes which were packed carelessly. He traveled in his horse a long way to collect those mangoes. He wasn’t sure about how long it would take to reach home. He saw an old man on his way and asked him how long he should … Read more

Sand and Stone Story

Sand and Stone Story of Two Friends in English

Jimmy and Johnny were best friends. They fought for many reasons and but never gave up their friendship. They went in search of a job and visited many places to earn more money. They passed through various places, villages, towns, forests, beaches, and were supporting each other all the way through out their journey. One … Read more

Father and Son Heart Touching Story

Father And Son Short Stories - Moral Values Story for Kids

It was a sunny day, but the climate was enjoyable. Everyone in the railway station was waiting for the train to arrive. Among the crowd, there was a group of friends, youngsters who were on board for vacation. It was a busy station with juice shop, mobile restaurants, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shop, restaurants, … Read more

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