Soil Smell Like Rose! Monk Lesson for Disciples

Soil Smell Like Rose! Monk Lesson for Disciples

A monk was going for a walk with his disciples. On way, he was explaining them about importance of keeping good company to his disciples. Monk saw that disciples were not able to understand it. On way, monk saw a rose plant full of flowers. Seeing it, he asked a disciple to immediately pick a … Read more

Young Man Interview – Importance of Values and Good Habits

Young Man Interview - Importance of Values and Good Habits

Young man arrived at office, for his first interview.  Young man used to live with his parents. He was frustrated with his parents nagging for every little thing he did at home. While waiting for interview, he was thinking, “Only if i succeed in today’s interview then i will say goodbye to my parents house … Read more

Blind Man With Lantern – Making Fun of Other!

Blind Man With Lantern - Making Fun of Other

Once in a village lived a blind man. Whenever he went out at night, he always kept a lit lantern with him. One night when he was returning home from his friend’s house. As usual he lit a lantern and started walking toward his house, holding that lantern in his hand. Just then some mischievous … Read more

Bride’s Father Condition For Marriage!!

Bride's Father Condition For Marriage!!

Once a young man fell in love with a young woman. Father of young woman agreed for marriage with great difficulty. Father agreed but on one condition. He said to young man family that – No elder should from young man’s village or family should come in marriage. Condition was difficult to follow yet young … Read more

Unique Exam – One’s Responsibility in Family

Unique Exam - One's Responsibility in Family

“Son! please go after you eat some food, you haven’t eaten anything since two days”,a helpless mother said to her son. “Look mother! I had asked for a bike when vacation starts and papa promised that he will buy me one after my exams end. Today is my last exam, tell sister that as soon … Read more

Brakes in Car – Teacher Question and Point of View

Breaks in Car - Teacher Question and Point of View

Once in physics class, teacher asked students, “Why do we have brakes in our car?” A student got up and replied, “Sir, to stop the car.” Another student replied, “To reduce and control speed of car.” Another said, “To avoid collision.” Soon, all the students began to give similar answer. So, teacher decided to answer … Read more

Value of Money Earned – Father Son Story

Value of Money Earned - Father Son Story

Long ago, lived a reputed merchant in a village who was blessed with a son after many years of his marriage. Son name was Chandra who was pampered by everyone in house. His every wish was fulfilled by his parents and family members. Time flew by. Chandra became a young man who never lacked anything … Read more

Coal or Sandalwood! Father Lesson to Son

Coal or Sandalwood! Father Lesson to Son

Long ago, a man used to live his family happily. He got old and when his last time came near, he called his son and said, “Son, i have spent my whole life educating the world. Now, in my last moments i want to tell you something important.” Listening to this son was looking at … Read more

Lipstick Marks on Mirror – School Story

Interesting School Story - Solution for Lipstick Marks on Restroom Mirror

Once in a school, Girls started to leave kissing marks on mirror of restroom. Janitor was troubled by this because he had to clean them and it was difficult for him to clean that. Janitor asked girls to stop doing that and left notices on toilet walls asking girls to stop leaving lipstick marks on … Read more

Angel on Earth..

Good Short Stories with Dialogue - Angel on Earth Conversation of Child and God

Conversation between a child who is about to be born and God. Child: You are sending me to earth but how am i going to live there so small and helpless? God smiled and replied: You don’t have to worry. I have already chosen one of my angels for you. She will be waiting for … Read more

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