King and Sage Story – How to Handle Burden of Work?

King and Sage Story - How to Handle Burden of Work

Long ago, a Kingdom was full of happiness and prosperity under it’s King rule. People were living happily under his rule. One year, severe famine happened in that state. Crops dried up due to lack of water and in such situation, farmer were not able to pay revenue to King. Due to lack of revenue, … Read more

Secret of Tree – Thieves and Manager Story

Secret of Tree - Thieves and Manager Story

A person used to work as sales manager in a multinational company. With his savings, he built a luxurious house outside the city. Being out of town, area was somewhat deserted. Man started living in his new house with his wife and children. He would leave early in morning and return late in evening. Seeing … Read more

Employee Complain to Boss – Way to Progress

Employee Complain to Boss - Way to Work n Progress

Once two childhood friend, Sonu and Monu went to look for job. Both applied in same company and luckily both were selected for job. Both were hard working. After working for few months Sonu got promotion while Monu didn’t get any. Boss was fond of Sonu and always kept him near. Monu saw this and … Read more

Message on Company Door – Interesting Story

Message on Company Door n Coffin - Interesting Story

One day at a company, when all employees of office reached, they found a slip posted on the door. With message written on it: Yesterday that person died, who was hindering your progress in the company. A funeral has been organized in the seminar hall to pay tribute to him. Everyone is expected to be … Read more

Student’s Work of Art – Painting Competition

Master Suggestion and Student's Work of Art - Painting Competition

Once a boy name Raman was studying art under guidance of a great master. Master taught Raman how to draw and paint, mixing colors and other various techniques. Raman was a quick learner. His master was proud of him. Once a competition was announced for budding painters. Artists were asked to send their paintings. Raman … Read more

Father Lesson – Farm Management..

Father Lessons Son Moral Stories - Hard Work vs Smart Work Brothers

Once in a village, two brother’s started to work at poultry farm under their father guidance. Some years after they started working with their father, older son noticed that father would give more responsibility and reward to his younger brother. Older son felt it unfair as both worked equally and being older he should be … Read more

The Value of Work! (Must Read)

The Value of Work Story - Difference of Workplace Moral Story

Story 1: Difference of Work..!! Once a heart surgeon went to local garage for his car service. Garage owner who was also a skilled mechanic attended him and a little friendly banter started between two. Mechanic said, “So.. I have been wondering.. What we both do for a living..?” “So..?”, questioned surgeon. Mechanic replied, “Well … Read more

HR Manager Working..! Funny Story

Funny Stories about Workplace - HR Manager Working Funny Illustration

Once a very highly successful Human Resource Manager was killed in a tragic accident. His soul arrived at the Pearly gates where St. Paul received him. St. said, “Before you settle in.. I want to tell you something.. We have never had a Human Resource Manager made it this far and now we are not … Read more

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