Boy with No Hands – Never Do Wrong with Other Story

Boy with No Hands - Never Do Wrong with Other Story

Once God went on walk with an Angel. On their way, they saw that some children were swimming in a pond and near by one child was sad sitting alone under a tree. Angel saw that child was missing both of his hands and because of it he was not able to swim with other … Read more

Kids Playing in Pond – Story about Karma

Kids Playing in Pond - Story about Karma

Once Shiv ji and Parvati ji (Hindu God and Goddess) went on a walk. On way, they saw that many children were swimming and playing in a pond but one child was sitting near by in sad posture. Seeing that child, Parvati ji asked Shiv ji, “Why is this child sad?” Shiv ji said, “Look, … Read more

Why Doesn’t Everyone Get to Live Good Life?

Why Doesn't Everyone Get to Live Good Life

Once a rich man went to temple wearing new expensive shoes. While he was in front of temple he thought, “To go inside temple, i have to remove my new shoes and if i leave them here outside temple then they may get stolen… Then even after going inside i will be worried about shoes … Read more

Sweet Shop Owner Complain!! Cheating Others

Sweet Shop Owner Complain!! Cheating Others

A sweet shop owner used to go to a farmer to buy butter. One day, he went and bought 1kg butter from farmer. That day sweet shop owner thought, “I never checked weight of butter given by farmer. I should check it today.” So he put butter on one side of scale and 1kg weight … Read more

Why One Should Keep Doing Good! (Must Read)

Why One Should Keep Doing Good

Many time in life we see that good people have to suffer and evil people get awarded. This story May help one to understand this a little. Narad Ji always used to roam around. One day he saw that a cow was trapped in a swamp in the forest. Cow tried a lot but couldn’t … Read more

Rich Man Policy and Thief Story – How Karma Works

Rich Man Policy and Thief Story - How Karma Works

Once there was a Rich man who was very kind and believed in Dharma and Karma. Many people would come to him for loan and he would never refuse anyone. But he had a policy. His bookkeeper would ask person getting loan, “When will you return this loan In this Life or Next?” Honest person … Read more

Justice of Nature – Taking Advantage of Pandemic!

Justice of Nature - Taking Advantage of Pandemic!

An incident during Kutch earthquake. Police was doing relief work of removing debris to look for any survivor buried under that debris and get them out. they were also taking out bodies of dead from debris. An old man was sitting outside the debris of a very big house. Police came, they found body of … Read more

Why do we Suffer? Guru Disciple Story about Karma

Why do we Suffer? Guru Disciple Story about Karma

Why we got this life? Why do we suffer? One day, a Mahatma went to a walk with his disciple. Mahatma liked to speak less and do his work peacefully where as disciple was very agile. While walking, they were passing by a pond and there they saw that a fisherman was laying a trap … Read more

Businessman and Dog Story – How Karma Works

Businessman and Dog Story - How Karma Works

Once a successful businessman was getting ready to go to his office. He got out of his house and reached his car. As soon as he opened door of his car, a stray dog who was sleeping under his car suddenly came out and bit on his leg. Businessman got very angry and quickly picked … Read more

Karma Stories – Why do We Suffer?

Karma Short Stories - Why we Suffer Interesting Deep Meaning Story for Adults

The fruit of the unknown Karma…? Long time ago, a King invited Brahmans for Bhoj (feast). Bhoj was organized on large scale so the kitchen was set up outside in open area of palace. On day of Bhoj while Cook was preparing food for Brahmans, an eagle flew over that kitchen with a snake clutched … Read more

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